Tuesday, March 27, 2012

CCHF Request for tehillim

Please say tehillim Mordechai ben Chana - a 40 year old on a respirator Please continue to say tehillim for Binyomin ben Tsivya - a baby being treated for cancer Please continue to say tehillim for Shilo ben Leah – who is being treated for cancer Please continue saying tehillim for Shmuel Shomron ben Dvora - -scheduled for bone marrow transplant during Chol Hamoed Please continue to say tehillim for Gittel bas Devorah Sora – still recovering from bone marrow transplant Please say tehillim for Chana bat Zohara Please say tehillim for Yael bat Leah – mother of three who had a stroke and is still in a coma Boruch Dayan HaEmes - Rav Pinchas Scheinberg – Chaim Pinchos ben Yuspa was niftar Boruch Dayan HaEmes - Yaakov Akiva ben Malka Leah was niftar

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