Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Fwd: [chicago-aneinu] Audio: Pesach Halacha Shiur by HoRav Shmuel Fuerst, shlit"a

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From: Myysbyy@aol.com
Date: March 27, 2012 4:34:15 AM CDT
To: myysbyy@aol.com
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Audio: Pesach Halacha Shiur by HoRav Shmuel Fuerst, shlit"a
Reply-To: chicago-aneinu+owners@googlegroups.com

Click on the link below for a shiur on:
Enhance your Sedarim and increase your Yom Tov enjoyment.
Learn how and what you need to clean and prepare according to Halacha.
Also the Halachos of the Four Kosos, amounts and manner of eating
Matzah, Maror and more.
given by
HoRav Shmuel Fuerst, shlit"a
Dayan Agudas Yisroel Illinois
Sunday, March 25, 2012
at Yeshiva Migdal Torah

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