Tuesday, March 20, 2012

[chicago-aneinu] Baruch Dayan Ha'Emes - HaRav Scheinberg

Rav Chaim Pinchos Scheinberg zt”l Tuesday March 20, 2012 4:43 PM 10:43 p.m. IL/4:43 p.m. EST: It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Rav Chaim Pinchos Scheinberg zt”l, senior rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Torah Ore in Yerushalayim and rov of Kiryat Mattersdorf, who had been hospitalized at Shaarei Tzedek Medical Center in Yerushalayim. He was 101 years old. At Yeshiva Torah Ore and across Eretz Yisroel, Tehillim was being said for Rav Scheinberg, whose condition had deteriorated over the past few days. Rav Scheinberg was a member of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah in Eretz Yisroel. His wife, Rebbetzin Basha (Bessie) Scheinberg a”h, to whom he was married for 80 years, passed away two years ago. She was a daughter of Rav Yaakov Yosef and Rebbetzin Aidel Herman zt”l, the renowned mokirei rabonon, machnisei orech and Torah pioneers in America. Rav Scheinberg was born in 1910 in Poland. He moved to the United States at the age of nine and attended public school. It was actually his father-in-law, Rav Herman, who got the young Chaim Pinchos Scheinberg out of public school and into a yeshiva. That relationship came full circle when Rav Scheinberg married his rebbetzin. Rav Scheinberg attended Yeshiva Rabbi Jacob Joseph (RJJ) at the age of 14. He then learned at Rav Yehuda Levenberg’s Yeshiva Bais Medrash LeRabbonim in New Haven, Connecticut. At age seventeen, Rav Scheinberg learned at Yeshiva Rabbeinu Yitzchok Elchonon where he studied under the Meisitcher Illui, Rav Shlomo Polachek, as well as Rav Moshe Soloveitchik, and Rav Shimon Shkop (who lived in New York for a short period). After marrying his rebbetzin at the age of 19, Rav Scheinberg and his wife moved to Mir, Poland, where Rav Scheinberg learned in the Mir Yeshiva for five years. The Rov and Rebbetzin were from a handful of Americans in Mir at that time. Rav and Rebbetzin Scheinberg returned to the US and Rav Scheinberg became a maggid shiur at the New Haven Yeshiva, which ultimately closed in 1938. He then became the mashgiach at the Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim in Queens. In the 1960s, Rav and Rebbetzin Scheinberg relocated from the United States to Israel, where Rav Scheinberg founded Yeshiva Torah Ore. Rav Scheinberg’s genius in Torah was recognized at a relatively young age, when he authored the monumental seforim Tabaas Hachoshen. For many decades, Rav Scheinberg has led Torah Ore with selfless devotion to every talmid. Thousands of its alumni have gone on to become roshei yeshiva, rabbonim, rabbeim, and professional lay leaders of Jewish communities throughout the world. The rosh yeshiva’s teachings and seforim are disseminated by his talmidim across the globe. Yehi zichro boruch. {Yair Alpert-Matzav.com Israel}

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