Tuesday, March 20, 2012

[chicago-aneinu] Update On Petira Of Hagon Rav Chaim Pinchos Scheinberg ZATZAL

The crowd of bochrim and avreichim at Shaare Zedek Medical Center is growing despite the late hour as talmidim are simply at a loss, incapable of internalizing the bitter news, the petira of their beloved rosh yeshiva and another gadol hador. According to MK (Degel HaTorah) Rav Uri Maklev, the meis will be brought from the hospital to Yeshiva Torah Ohr, most likely in the coming hour. He added the levaya will not take place tonight, but during the morning hours on Wednesday, 27 Adar 5772. A neighbor of the rav and head of Chinuch Atzmai Rav Avraham Lazerson expressed his pain and grief over the news, simply stating the loss for Am Yisrael is great and we must continue davening. He was unable to speak at length, apparently involved in making arrangements surrounding the levaya. MK (Agudas Yisrael) R’ Yisrael Eichler commented on the third loss in a number of weeks, beginning with the petira of the Nadvorna Rebbe ZT”L and then the Vishnitzer Rebbe ZT”L and now, Rav Sheinberg ZT”L . Rav Eichler simply stated that this profound loss for Am Yisrael is one that cannot be replaced, that the stature of these gedolim is irreplaceable, quoting Torah from the Chafetz Chaim. It was added that the niftar also merited meeting with the Chafetz Chaim. Eichler stated the light of the yeshiva, Toras Ohr, and the rav’s tzitzis, literally illuminated Mattersdorf and following his arrival to the community, it was never the same, significantly changed for the better. Rav Elchanan Peretz, a talmid of the rav and an av beis din commented on the loss as well, stating in reality, there are no words to adequately describe the loss of a pillar of the generation, a man who simply stood tall in his love and adherence to Torah, his clinging to Shas and his absolute totally emersion in Hashem’s mitzvos. “His love for Torah was incomparable and nothing stood in his way regarding his undiluted love for Torah”. One should remember that levaya will be taking place on Wednesday morning, and it will coincide with the levayas of the victims of the Toulouse terror attack. Rav Yonatan Sandler and his sons Aryeh and Gavriel HY”D. That levaya is scheduled to begin at 10:00 from the large parking area at the entrance to Har Menuchos. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem) --

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