Friday, June 8, 2012

CCHF [chicago-aneinu] Request for Tehillim

From MIchael Rothschild at Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation: I have a good friend, Yisrael Landsman, who is extremely sick with a violent and deadly form of cancer. (He lost a daughter to cancer a year ago and another child to crib death). He is, in my opinion, one of the Lamed Vav tzadikim (the 36 Hidden Tzadikim) of our generation. His Ahavas Yisrael is on just about the highest level I’ve ever seen in a person. He is in NYU Hospital and is in desperate, desperate need of a Yeshua. I would greatly appreciate if you could say Tehilim for him and place his name on any Tehilim lists you can. Yisroel Refoel ben Sara Nesha May Hasehm send Yisrael, his family and all families a Refuah Sheleima besoch shear cholei Yisrael.

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