Friday, June 8, 2012

[chicago-aneinu] Update on Yaakov Yosef ben Raizel's status

To all of Klal Yisroel, There have been many rumors going around recently and many have been asking, "What's with Yaakov Yosef?" To all our dear brothers and sisters: Yaakov Yosef is still sitting all alone in Japan. He waits each and every day to be reunited with his loving family. It has been a very, very long time! PLEASE keep Yaakov Yosef ben Raizel in your tefillos (prayers). Don't forget our dear brother! Speak with your family, friends, neighbors and shuls- Yaakov Yosef awaits our tefillos to bring him home!! Below is an update we received from the askonim involved: I just want to clarify the situation after many rumours regarding the transfer of Yakov Yosef and after a day of non stop enquires from all over the world. The situation is unfortunately pretty the same as of before Pesach but with one movement that triggered the recent rumours. The Ministry of Justice in Japan have still not sent their final approval. Just to make it clear: All permits from both sides have been obtained and completed last September and then we had the many enquires for many months until a few days before Pesach. The recent messages/reports etc... are based on a form that was given to Yakov Yosef to sign last week. This form is a standard form that is given to prisoners who are awaiting to be transferred and this is probably a sign that the Japanese will send their final approval shortly. The final approval is a letter that states that "they give their final consent for the transfer to be expedited" and they "request the Israelis to make arrangements with their office for the Israeli police to come to Japan to collect Yakov Yosef - The Israelis would in turn agree a date with the Japanese, book flights for their pre selected wardens who would fly out a few days before the agreed day so that they can rest after their long haul flight. On the day of transfer Yakov Yosef would be brought to the airport and handed over to the two Israeli police who would be waiting by the entrance of the plane together with a batch of documents, and then its all over! We do very much hope and daven that last week's event is a signal that the Japanese have decided to send their final approval very shortly. Please continue to daven for Yakov Yosef ben Raizel that he returns home very soon.

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