Sunday, June 3, 2012

[chicago-aneinu] Update on Boy in Lag B'Omer Fire

Chasdei Hashem! Update on Avraham Abba ben Beruriah, the boy burned in the Lag B'Omer fire. I just wanted to let you know that Avremi is doing GREAT. He had an appointment today with the plastic surgeon and he was amazed at how well his burns are healing. He only has one arm bandaged and the back of his knee. His face is smooth and has no scarring and his arms and legs will be OK. He is very determined. Last week he worked hard to get his left hand to move and to bend all his fingers and wrist. The occupational therapist couldn’t believe that this was the same kid she saw a week earlier. Then she ordered a special splint for his arm and wrist and when she saw him she said he didn’t need it. He is a special little boy.

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