Monday, June 4, 2012

[chicago-aneinu] URGENT! Please Daven for Yaakov Ostreicher

Please daven for Yaakov Yehuda ben Shaindel, Yaakov Ostreicher in prison in Bolivia. Yanky Ostreicher to Be Penalized for Talking to the Media Monday June 4, 2012 10:37 AM Yanky Ostreicher has been served a notification that he will be penalized for 15 days for talking to the media in Bolivian and the media in the United States, has been told. The notification states that he mentioned drug use and other activities in the Nightline interview, and Bolivian authorities claim that this will cause a riot in the prison. It should be noted, however, that Yanky never mentioned any of this during the interview with Nightline. The mention of drug use and other information was actually taken from the ABC archives. Yanky’s interview was strictly about his suffering and his family’s suffering, and he was featured in that ABC News report for just a few seconds. The notification by the Bolivian prison authorities does not state what the penalty will be or when it will be implemented. Standard procedure in Bolivia is to penalize prisoners by sending them to Chonchocorito. “In Chonchocorito, you kill or you get killed. The government obviously wants Jacob out of the way,” a source told More from the source: “Years ago, Palmasola Prison was run by 300 prisoners who would call the prisoners’ families, and, while they were on the phone, would beat every prisoner senseless until the family gave up all of their possessions. Many prisoners died as a result of these beatings. Families would sell their homes, cars and anything else they owned to make the beatings stop. 4 years ago, the prisoners rioted and murdered 10 of these gangsters. The government removed the 290 gangsters and put them in a separate prison called Chonchocorito.” {Noam Newscenter}

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