Thursday, June 7, 2012

YWN Yaakov Yosef Signs Paper To Come From Japan To Israel

The last bachur imprisoned in Japan, Yakov Yosef ben Reisel has just signed a document for Japanese authorities that should clear the way for his transport from Japan to Israel. Last week, Yaakov Yosef signed a document for Japanese officials permitting his transfer to an Israeli prison. Askanim dealing with hi case explain the signing was a necessary formality before his actual transfer. Israeli officials have been waiting to hear from their Japanese counterparts of a date for Yaakov Yosef’s transfer. While there were high expectations before Pesach, this did not occur and now, after Shavuos, there are efforts taking place Due to the complexities of the case and dealing with the Japanese government, his arrival is not likely to be announced ahead of time but rather it will be announced after the fact to avoid chas v’sholom doing anything that might prevent the transfer. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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