Wednesday, August 29, 2012

[chicago-aneinu] Missing girl in New York

Please forward to your friends on the East Coast. Please daven for Chana Eliana bat Chava Raizal Sara Lee Kessler Caroline Starkman, is a beautiful 18-year-old Touro College student from a modern Orthodox Jewish family in Englewood, NJ. She disappeared after visiting a "friend" in Brooklyn for Shabbat on the weekend of July 6th. Her parents, our dear friends Cherie and Steven, are distraught, but are lifted up by your outpouring of support and concern on Facebook. I've attached a recent photo of Caroline, who also goes by the names Vicki or Victoria. You can help by keeping Caroline in your heart, thoughts and prayers. Her Hebrew name is Chana Eliana bat Chava Raizal. If you see Caroline or have any information that could lead to her safe and speedy return, please contact: Detective Barry Miller @ the Englewood, NJ Police Dept: 201-568-4875 or 201-871-6416 Thank you for caring and for sharing this information.

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