Wednesday, August 29, 2012

MATZAV.COM [chicago-aneinu]Tehillim for Daughter of Rabbi Asher Lopatin

Earlier in the day, reported the news that Rabbi Asher Lopatin, the longtime rabbi of Congregation Anshe Sholom B’nai Israel in the Lakeview neighborhood of Chicago, will be taking over for Rabbi Avi Weiss as the head of Yeshivat Chovevei Torah in Riverdale, NY, next year. In the interim, we have learned that Rabbi Lopatin’s daughter Cara is quite ill and is in need of a refuah sheleimah. In correspondence to, Rabbi Lopatin thanked Matzav “for taking an interest in the future of Yeshivat Chovevei Torah.” For now, however, he has asked all our readers to please be mispallel for his daughter, Yakira Avigayil bas Rivkah Leah, who will be undergoing an autologous stem cell transplant on Thursday to recover from chemotherapy. “Iy”H, the procedure will give her a long, healthy and cancer-free life,” Rabbi Lopatin told We pray that Rabbi Lopatin’s daughter will have a complete refuah and that he and his wife continue to see much nachas as well as success in their communal work and endeavors. Again, all are asked to say Tehillim for Yakira Avigayil bas Rivkah Leah. {Andy Newscenter}

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