Monday, April 7, 2014

[Aneinu] Tefillos Requested

Gavriel Yisrael ben Tzirel An Aneinu member is asking us , if we can please include her 4 month old grandson in our tefillos. He had open heart surgery a few weeks ago and is not doing well. He is now fighting a very serious infection that surrounds his heart and lungs.He needs rachamei shomayim. Our member's Rav suggested to her, that she ask us to say kapitel kuf yet tes, Chapter 119 for this little boy. If you can do this, great, but i am sure many might find this difficult to do , so we are asking that you remember Gavriel Yisroel ben Tzirel in your tefillos. Our Wednesday night shiur by Rabbi Yossie Deutsch will be sponsored l'refuah shelaima Gavriel Yisroel ben Tzirel. May he have a complete refuah b'zoch kol cholei yisroel. Tizku l'mitzvos

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