Monday, April 7, 2014

From Vanishing Importers to Vultures' Wings More Fascinating Expositions on Contemporary Halachic Issues by Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff IS AT KESHER STAM

Is it permitted to borrow money from the pushka? Who takes priority when choosing a sandek? What beracha should one make when smelling a lemon? Can a woman repair her son's torn pair of tzitzis? In this second volume by respected Rav and prolific author Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff, these questions and more are explored and answered in a clear and lucid way. Drawing on his many years of experience in dealing with fascinating halachic queries on a wide variety of topics, Rabbi Kaganoff analyzes and explains each case from the earliest source in the Torah down to the latest poskim. The author's rare ability to reduce complex issues into easy-to-follow discussions will keep you mesmerized as you are simultaneously entertained by his characteristic wit and humor.(FROM FELDHEIM)BRING SOME HALACHIC DIVAR TORAHS TO YOUR PESACH LUNCHES.

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