Wednesday, June 18, 2014

[Aneinu] Join With Women 11:00 AM Thursday for 3 Boys

At Kever Rachel, this Thursday at 7 PM ( 11:00 AM Chicago time) women and girls will be doing hafrashas challah and saying tehillim , in the merit that the boys should be saved and returned healthy and whole to their parents, and also with the heartfelt prayer that Hashem should fulfill His promise given to Rachel Imeinu: "V'Shavu Banim L'Gvulam". In consultation with the mothers of the boys regarding this effort, they are asking that women join them in doing hafrashat challah (wherever they live) and saying tehillim. You don't have to do Hafrashas Challah at that time. The Tehillim that will be said are 13, 121, 130, 142, 143 and you can join by saying tehillim wherever you are at whatever time you can. If you participate this will give chizuk to the families of the boys, so please email that you are participating (and how many joining you) to the following address . Names for Tehillim: * Yaakov Naftali ben Rachel Devorah * Gilad Michael ben Bat Galim * Eyal ben Iris Tesurah S. First

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