Thursday, June 19, 2014

[Aneinu] Shmirat Halashon to Bring Back Our Boys

BS'D Please join us in this massive Shmirat Halashon campaign for the soon and safe return of Naftali, Gilad & Eyal. The mitzvah of guarding our words has a huge power, and even more if we do so coming together as Jewish people around the world!!! Help us complete 18 daily simultaneous lists, until our boys return to their homes very soon IY'H! Pick one hour of the day and commit yourself to care for all that hour, every day throughout the campaign, not to talk (or listen) any lashon hara, rechilut, etc. Warning! The hours are according to Israel time zone. For those in other countries, you should do the calculation. What to do? 4 simple steps: 1) Sign in your hour at Shmirat Halashon for Our Boys ( please sign in the 1st list with available hours, this way is easier to complete the 18 lists) 2) Send an email with your name to (so we can keep track and keep you updated about the campaign) 3) Forward this email to all your contacts, specially jewish institutions and media. 4)And then: start fulfilling your Shmirat Halashon hour the same day that you registered. During that time have kavanah that because of the merit of this hour of Shmirat Halashon, Hashem will watch and bring back home safely Yaacov Naftali ben Rachel Dvorah, Gilad Michael ben Bat Galim and Eyal ben Iris Teshura. If you have any doubt about the fulfilling of shmirat halashon just email us: Thank you! Tizku lemitzvot Shmirat Halashon for Our Boys Team __._,_.___ Posted by: DHM

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