Sunday, August 24, 2014

Aneinu Please Daven for injured soldier

Givati Brigade Sgt. Yehuda Yitzchak HaYisraeli, 23,was wounded in the battle in which Major Benaya Sarel, First Sgt. Liel Gidoni, and Lt. Hadar Goldin HY”D were killed, on erev Shabbos 5 Menachem Av. A piece of shrapnel pierced his head and the family has been at his side waiting for good news.  Yehuda Yitzchak has been in a medically induced coma in  Soroka Medical Center for the past three weeks.  Until the weekend, his wife Rivkah was at his side. TRivkah had to leave for she went into labor, delivering a boy. Rivkah, who is a daughter of a Tel Aviv area rav, explains “we need ongoing tefilos”, calling on Am Yisrael to be mispallel for her husband. Please daven for  Yehuda Yitzchak ben Iris (pronounced EE'REES) bsoch kol cholei Am Yisrael.

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