Sunday, August 24, 2014

[Aneinu] Please Daven for Missing Bochur

Please daven for Aaron ben Chuldah, a resident of Lakewood, who is currently learning by Rav Tzvi Kaplan in Yerushalayim. Volunteers searched for 23-year-old talmid yeshiva Aaron Sofer the entire Shabbos. The tzibur at large is called upon on motzei Shabbos to assist in the search. He was walking with a friend but the two lost sight of one another going down an incline. Zaka and Ichud Hatzalah assisted police in the search over Shabbos. The friend notified police at 6 PM and police phoned Zaka at 1:45 Friday night. He was last seen at noon on erev Shabbos in the Jerusalem Forest. Anyone with any information is urged to contact 02-539-1520 or 100.

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