Monday, October 6, 2014

OU TORAH CHAGIGA DAF 27 Who By Fire: A Moed Grand Finale - Bais Havaad Halacha Center

Rav Greenwald brings Rav Elyashiv who says a talmid chacam is not effected by the stronger gehenom.Moshe dropped the luchos and the letters became part of the talmidei chacamim.The guf of a talmid chacam his mitzios he is an energy source himself.When a person house is a place of mitzvos its micaper for him.The pintel yid can not be harmed by the tumah of the world and chesed prevents the tumah of the world effecting the physical.We finish seder moed go out build a succah and buy a lulav and esrog the pinimius of yom tov is divaikus to HASHEM (connect us to HASHEM)is a process invest in it.Yom tov should inspire us moed connect us to HASHEM.HASHEM should give us ruach to learn seder nashim.whats the connection with number 15 and masechta chagiga and MASECHTA Yevamos click here for the rest of the shiur and the answer.

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