Monday, October 6, 2014


1.The Maharsham was asked by someone going to a university with a museum of coffins and he wanted to know if he can go to the university?The Maharsham answered since the coffins are closed we can be makil. 2.When you buy a kli cheres from a non jew it cant be toveled so why do we tovel china?The Poskim answer b/c it has a glass coating. 3.What does it mean are table gets our sins forgiven?One answer is inviting guests to our table another is saying divrei torah at the table and a final answer is the tannis of the Ravad which is stop in the middle of eating the food you enjoy. 4.Our table is a mizbach so therefore there should be salt on the table and knives should be covered for here for the daf digest halacha highlight. 5.The Belzer Reba says a Talmid Chacam goes to gan adin and his talmidim who are not on the same level he gets them out of gehenom. 6.A Tzadik influences others a non Tzadik does not. 7.The Miforshim make an observation a Talmid Chacam is protected b/c of the salmandra and the rakanim are b/c of the mizbach hazav.Why b/c salmandra is alot stronger not feel the heat but a rasha gets hot but not burnt thats a nas.A Tzadik not effected is not a nas . 8.Monday Tuesday a yom tov thats infusing every day with kedusha and thats what the lesson of seder moed is.Learn Torah and become a Tzadik and we can do that and be protected from tzaros.

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