Sunday, February 21, 2016

[Aneinu] The Sperling Family needs our help, please!

BS"D The Sperling family is completely focused on their daughter Sarah bas Dina's complex medical condition and IY"H her recovery from the terrible #402 bus crash Sunday, February 14, 2016. At this time, they are confronted by many financial challenges, including IY"H her upcoming wedding scheduled for March 9, 2016 (which Rav Kanievsky Shlita paskened not to change). Besides caring for their children (including one special needs child), they now face many previously unexpected costs and are in need of major financial assistance. Some of the mounting expenses now include: • Daily commute from Jerusalem to Asaf Haroeh Medical Center (a 114 km/71 mile round-trip) • Psychological support and treatment for their other daughter, also injured in the bus accident • Babysitting for their special needs child, as both parents spend each day at the hospital • Legal fees for filing claims (Please note that the major claim may only be filed at the end of the period of Rehabilitation for Sarah, which has not begun yet because she is still in the acute phase of treatment.) • Long-term commuting expenses to the rehabilitation facility, which will likely be either Tel HaShomer or Beit Levenshtein, both located in the Tel Aviv area We are trying to raise $50,000 to reduce the burden on the Sperlings. Your generous donation will go a long way towards easing the stress and pressure on this wonderful family and will help them focus on Sarah's recovery and her wedding! There are several ways you can make your tax-deductible donation: • Online, via Paypal or credit card, at: Note: On the final payment page, which reads "Please Review Your Donation," please click on "Add Special Instructions to the Seller," which appears right below the words "American Friends of Nimla Tal". In that field, please write: "For Sperling Family." • Via wire transfer: American Friends of Nimla Tal Inc. Account number: 559 003111 Eastern Savings Bank Routing number: 252070639 Pikesville Branch 1417 Reisterstown Road 21208-9933 Please include a notation: For Sperling Family • Via check: American Friends of Nimla Tal, Inc. (IRS Number 52-2050166) c/o Fishkind 3215 Shelburne Road Baltimore, MD 21208 Please note Sperling Family on your check. Or, you can go to: and give through that website! all the best, debby

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