Thursday, February 18, 2016

Ywn BDE: 21-Year-Old Terror Victim Stabbed In Rami Levi Supermarket Has Been Niftar

One of the victims stabbed by a Palestinian terrorist in the Rami Levy Supermarket attack on Thursday afternoon , has R”L died of his injuries. The name of the 21-year-old male victim has not been released by hospital officials. As YWN reported earlier, two shoppers in the supermarket were stabbed by two Palestinian terrorists. They were neutralized by an armed man inside the store The 21-year-old victim was rushed to Sha’arei Tzedek Medical Center in Jerusalem where doctors desperately tried saving the mans life. Unfortunately, he was just Niftar. The second victim, a 36-year-old victim remains in moderate condition. As YWN reported, he is a member of the Community Council. His name for Tehillim is Avi ben Chemda Avital

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