Thursday, July 23, 2020

FW: Segulos from Trusted Sources for Times of Plague and Epidemic

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-------- Original message --------
From: Sefer Segulos and Tefilos <>
Date: 7/23/20 9:27 AM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: Segulos from Trusted Sources for Times of Plague and Epidemic

The Tefillos and Segulos are in Hebrew (with Nekudos). Introduction, instructions, explanations and biographies are in English. 

Includes a short biography on each Tzaddik that is quoted to familiarize the reader with the Tzaddik that prescribed that specific Segula. 

As well, it includes several Segulos against plagues and epidemics. Notably, Rav Shimshon of Ostropoli's Segula against plagues. Rav Chaim Palagi quotes the Ramban that reciting the order in which the Jews traveled through the desert is so powerful that in a time of plague, one who recites it daily will be saved. The accepted order in all Sefarim is the way Rav Shimshon of Ostropoli gave over. Here, it is translated and completely elucidated in English, with additions from later Mekubalim. (click here for list of Segulos

 סגולות ותפילות נפלאות ומוסמכות נגד מגיפות. ועשרות סגולות לשמירה, ממגיפה ועין הרע, לחן, להצלחה ברוחניות וגשמיות, בנים צדיקים, ועוד כמה ענינים. מגדולי הדורות. התפילות , והסגולות בלשון הקודש, הקדמה, תולדות הצדיקים, וההדרכות באנגלית
For a list of the Segulos and Biographies in the Sefer, email

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