Thursday, July 23, 2020

Fwd: Sichos This Week + Rabbi Shishler

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Date: Thu, Jul 23, 2020, 10:05 AM
Subject: Sichos This Week + Rabbi Shishler
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להרשם לקבלת אימיילים בעברית לחצו כאן

Heartfelt gratitude to Rabbi Shloimy and Mirele Greenwald for their generosity in making Project Likkutei Sichos possible.
מה שבני-ישראל מנחמים את אבינו שבשמים (בדוגמת הפירוש הפשוט ש"כוח הבן" יפה יותר מאשר "כוח האב", שלכן מנחמים בני-ישראל את הקב"ה) - הרי זה נלקח "מכוח האב", בהיותם "חלק אלוקה ממעל ממש", היינו, שיש בהם עצם האב.
Menachem Av: "The power of the son is greater than the power of the father," therefore the Yidden, the son, have the power to comfort Hashem, the Father. However this power comes from the father, Since they are a literally a piece of Hashem Above, they carry within them the essence of the Father.

(Shabbos Mevorchim Menachem-Av 5742)
Dear Yaakov

A Gutten Chodesh, As we usher in the month of Menachem-Av, we hope and pray that our Father comforts us with the ultimate Nechama of the Geula. However, we must also remember our responsibility to comfort our Father, who in a certain sense has been separated from us, and longs to hear from us and to be connected to us.

When we learn Likkutei Sichos, the Rebbe's Torah, we are giving back and comforting our father, with the very koiach that he gave us. This is a time to be "Menachem Av," and what better way than with the Torah into which he invested his life, and then bequeathed it to us.

Now that we are starting a new Sefer, חדשים ממש, we must reinvigorate ourselves and others with a new Chayos and passion, new focus and determination. We can do this!!!
Team Project Likkutei Sichos
ומלאה הארץ לקוטי שיחות
JULY 20, 2020 •  כח תמוז תש׳׳פ   

We are back on the 2-Sichos-per-week Schedule, now we have extra time to learn the sichos with more diligence and enthusiasm!!!

Chelek Yud Daled, Sicha Devarim Alef, Devarim Beis
חלק יד • דברים • שיחה א

אלה הדברים . . ודי זהב
Starting out as a Rashi Sicha on one seemingly extra word in Rashi, this Sicha concludes with a full fledged defense for the Jewish people on each of the many offenses alluded to in this passuk. A powerful lesson to always see the positive in everything.

חלק יד • דברים • שיחה ב

גם בי התאנף ה' בגללכם
Although it happened many years later, Moshe nevertheless mentions the fact that He cannot go into Erets Yisrael while relating the story of the Meraglim. It is really just to explain why Yeshoshua is leading the Yidden into Eretz Yisrael, and is mentioned as a side note.

Feature of the Week - Rabbi Ari Shishler
Rabbi Shishler together with his wife, Naomi and their eight children, runs Chabad of Strathavon in Sandton, South Africa. Rabbi Shishler is a popular teacher who regularly lectures around the globe. He hosts a weekly radio show in South Africa, and has recently joined as a Sicha Discourse teacher for Project Likkutei Sichos.

The Sicha Discourse is geared towards a broader audience, who may not have had much previous exposure to Likkutei Sichos, and yet gives the listener a full overview of the richness and depth of the Sicha. (There are additional presenters in the Sicha Discourse genre and we will feature them in future weeks)

Rabbi Shishler's classes are available in audio and video.
Always Find Something Positive. Text based shiur on Likkutei Sichos vol. 14 Devarim. TONIGHT 8:30pm 👉
Sichos Checklist - Keep Track of Your Learning Checklist
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