Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Aneinu Expectant mothers in Israel critically ill with covid, newborns...

Please daven for all expectant mothers to be protected from the mageyfa Eretz Yisroel -there are currently a number of women who are pregnant, or just delivered by emergency c-section, hospitalized in critical condition due to the coronavirus, with most of them hooked up to ventilators shortly after arriving at the hospital. At least four women underwent emergency C-sections, A list of some of the women critically ill from covid and where applicable, their newborn babies in need of tefillos: Chaya Rivka bas Leah and her baby, Tinok ben Chaya RivkaRochel Naomi bas Esther Chana and Tinok ben Rochel NaomiChana bas Bella Hadassah Yehudis Miriam bas Chana Gittel Chedva bas RochelTamar bas Esther RivkaSasha Bracha bas Leah Rivka Oshrat ben Fanni (not critical)

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