Wednesday, January 20, 2021

FW: aneinu Thursday! Worldwide Day of Tefillah and Fasting

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From: 'Chicago Aneinu' via chicago-aneinu <>
Date: 1/20/21 9:49 PM (GMT-06:00)
To: Chicago Aneinu <>
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Thursday! Worldwide Day of Tefillah and Fasting

After consultation with Daas Torah, we have been advised to encourage ladies to join this effort by saying Tehillim and davening for an end to the pandemic, and for ladies to encourage their children to daven as well.

May Hashem have rachamim on us all and may we see a quick end to the pandemic. Ein Od Milvado.

Remember to say Avinu Malkeinu after shemoneh esrei! Also, try to fast until noon.


After Consulting With HaRav Chaim, Rav Lau Declares World Tefillah On Thursday

HaRav Dovid Lau; HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky reads Rav Lau's letter.

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After consulting with HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky on Wednesday and speaking with leaders of Jewish kehillos around the world, Israel's Chief Rabbi Rav Dovid Lau declared Thursday as a day for a world tefillah to end the pandemic.
The tefilla will be led by HaRav Lau (without a congregation due to health regulations) at Kever Rochel on Thursday at 4 p.m. (Israeli time) and will be broadcast live. At the same time, public tefillos will be held in Jewish communities in countries throughout the world. Those who can fast until chatzos should do so.
"The pandemic has grown considerably worse in recent days and 'outside the sword bereaves and terror reigns within,'" wrote Rav Lau. "Terrible disasters are befalling us every day. The virus doesn't discriminate – it harms the elderly, the young – fathers and mothers of small children. Unfortunately, many of them pass away and thousands are in distress and in need of tefillah and a cry for siyata d'Shimaya."
"After I consulted with HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky, we are declaring a day of world tefillah, during which we all will, as one person and with one heart, cry out to Avinu Malkeinu – מנע מגיפה מנחלתך."
"It is appropriate for all Kehillos Yisrael to hold special tefillos on this day, including Tehillim and Selichos, as well [as with the participation of] Tinokos shel beis Rabban – throughout the Diaspora – to cry out the cry of the entire Am Yisrael on this day in a Tefillas Rabbim – which has great power in Shamayim."
"The tefillos will be held according to regulations, each person in his own place. Anyone who can fast half a day should do so. We will accept upon ourselves the yoke of Malchus Shamayim, we will add Avinu Malkeinu and we will cry out to the Healer of all flesh to eradicate the mageifah from His world."
(source: Yeshiva World News)

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