Thursday, February 11, 2021

Fwd: Deeds Done in Doubt; New Kosher Frontiers; Memories of Reb Dovid, zt"l

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From: Shabbat Shalom <>
Date: Thu, Feb 11, 2021, 9:15 PM
Subject: Deeds Done in Doubt; New Kosher Frontiers; Memories of Reb Dovid, zt"l
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A Vaccine Killed My Father. I Can't Wait to Take the COVID-19 Vaccine.
A Vaccine Killed My Father. I Can't Wait to Take the COVID-19 Vaccine.
Craig M. Goldstein

Like me, my father was immunocompromised. He was as a quadriplegic survivor of Guillain-Barre syndrome. I am a type I diabetic. But while our diseases are different, his concerns in taking a vaccine as an individual, a husband and a father were no different than those I contemplate today.

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PARSHAT MISHPATIM February 12-13, 2021 / 1 Adar 5781


HAFTARAH Kings II 12:1-12:17


THIS SHABBAT Second day of Rosh Chodesh Adar. Parshat Shekalim

Around the OU
NCSY Summer Purim Raffle Goes Live: Get Your Tickets
NCSY Summer Purim Raffle Goes Live: Get Your Tickets
NCSY Summer

Enter now to win in a free NCSY Summer program, $5,000, two tickets to Israel or a $500 gift card.

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Young Professionals: Get Your Game On
Young Professionals: Get Your Game On

Join JLIConnections for a virtual event with celebrity chef Naomi Nachman for DIY curated cocktails, as well as breakout rooms.

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Megillat Esther: Finding Hope in the Uncertainty
Megillat Esther: Finding Hope in the Uncertainty
OU Women's Initiative

Mrs. Shira Schiowitz joined the OU Women's Initiative for this presentation.

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Watch: Gratitude and Happiness
Watch: Gratitude and Happiness
SPIRIT Initiative

Learn how to increase your understanding on what gratitude and happiness are from Jewish and mental health perspectives.

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How to Make Pesach in 5 Days
How to Make Pesach in 5 Days

Can you make Pesach preparations easy and enjoyable? This book will tell you how. All proceeds go to supporting Oregon NCSY.

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Deeds Done in Doubt
Deeds Done in Doubt
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

There are many mitzvah missions that we all undertake at great risks and with no guarantee that we will be successful in our efforts. Rabbi Pinchas ben Yair teaches us to deliberately pursue such mitzvot.

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Blind Acceptance
Blind Acceptance
Talia Kirshner

Enjoy this dvar Torah and more in this week's Torah Tidbits.

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Meat and Milk
Meat and Milk
Rabbi Menachem Genack

What is the nature of the prohibition against cooking meat in milk? Is it connected to the prohibition against eating meat and milk?

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When the Torah Does Not Say What It Means
When the Torah Does Not Say What It Means
Rabbi Shmuel Goldin

How can Jewish law best reflect the discrepancy between "deserved" and "actual" punishment?

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Vision and Details
Vision and Details
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l

Our parsha takes us through a bewildering transition. Until now, the narrative focused on our enslavement and the hope for freedom. Suddenly, we find ourselves faced with a law code covering a bewildering variety of topics.

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This Week We Read From Three Sifrei Torah. What If My Shul Only Has One?
This Week We Read From Three Sifrei Torah. What If My Shul Only Has One?
OU Kosher

This week we have three different readings from three different torah scrolls-for the parsha, Rosh Chodesh, and parshas Shekalim. What should a shul do if they only have one or two sifrei Torah?

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When to Learn Shnayim Mikra v'Echad Targum
When to Learn Shnayim Mikra v'Echad Targum
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz

We're supposed to review the parsha each week "with the congregation." When is that, exactly?

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Jewish Thought
Memories of Reb Dovid, ztl
Memories of Reb Dovid, zt"l
Rabbi Menachem Genack

A reflection on the life of HaRav Dovid Soloveitchik zt"l.

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Featured Company: Just Desserts
Featured Company: Just Desserts
OU Kosher

Just Desserts is a nut-free, artisan-inspired baking company that makes premium desserts sold from coast to coast.

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New Frontiers in Kosher: UAE, Bahrain and Morocco
New Frontiers in Kosher: UAE, Bahrain and Morocco
OU Kosher

Register for our February 21 event and explore these exciting new kosher regions. What can travelers expect in these areas?

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Community Events
Jewish Education Night of Networking
Jewish Education Night of Networking
Yeshiva University

This free virtual event will introduce you to best practices, innovations, and opportunities at Jewish day schools and organizations.

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Featured Products
The Queen You Thought You Knew
The Queen You Thought You Knew
OU Press

In this book, Rabbi Dovid Fohrman invites the reader to look at the Book of Esther with fresh eyes; to join him, as it were, on a guided adventure — a close reading of the ancient biblical text. In so doing, he reveals another Purim story: a richer, deeper narrative — more suited, perhaps, to the eyes of an adult than to a child.

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A Purim Greetings Gift Basket
A Purim Greetings Gift Basket
Yachad Gifts

Say Happy Purim by surprising friends and family with this floral accented burlap planter basket that is loaded with sweet and savory treats.

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