Thursday, February 11, 2021

Fwd: The Holiness of Mishpatim

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Date: Thu, Feb 11, 2021, 7:03 PM
Subject: The Holiness of Mishpatim
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New! YUTorah Parsha Roundup for Mishpatim

Yeshiva University

Center for the Jewish Future

Parshat Mishpatim 5781

Download the newest edition of the YUTorah in Print for Mishpatim

with 14 pages of recently uploaded Torah articles to print out for your Shabbat table.

Learn about the Parsha

Topics on Mishpatim
Shabbat Shekalim

Prepare for Parshat Shekalim this week, the first of the four parshiot, and get a better appreciation of the lessons and values of the parsha.

Browse the Shiurim
The Jewish Beit Din

How does the Jewish court work, and what makes it different than secular court?

Browse the Shiurim
The Prohibition to Lend with Interest

Why is charging interest considered such a terrible sin, and what are the rules of when it's permitted?

Browse the Shiurim
Mixing Milk and Meat

Learn the laws of the issur of cooking milk and meat and how long you need to wait between eating one to have the other, as well as the lessons of the prohibition gleaned from our parsha.

Browse the Shiurim

New This Week

Recent Shiurim on Mishpatim
Rabbi Assaf Bednarsh: In Eretz Yisrael, Gashmiyus is Ruchniyus
Rabbi Eli Belizon: Tearing in Child Rearing
Rabbi Eitan Bendavid: Know Your Strengths and Weaknesses
Rabbi Yisroel Bloom: Living with Hashem
Rabbi Dr. Kenneth Brander: Connecting Sinai with Everyday Living
Rabbi Chaim Brovender: Elokim
Rabbi Tanchum Cohen: Shabbos 2.0: Farming for Emuna and Middos
Rabbi Yitzchok Cohen: Sensitivity in Judaism
Rabbi Avishai David: Parshas Mishpatim as a Watershed for Matan Torah
Rabbi Yonatan Shai Freedman:

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