Tuesday, August 3, 2021

FW: The Daily Thread: Torah Campaign for Meron Featured on JM in the AM

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-------- Original message --------
From: Nachum Segal <nachum@nachumsegal.com>
Date: 8/3/21 3:28 PM (GMT-06:00)
To: mates57564@aol.com
Subject: The Daily Thread: Torah Campaign for Meron Featured on JM in the AM

The Daily Thread (NSN Daily Newsletter)                                                  
August 3, 2021
Click the link below to sign-up to learn chapters of TaNach in the merit of our beloved Meir Weingarten, ob"m, Meir Nachum ben David:


Today on JM in the AM:

Tomorrow on JM in the AM:
  • Great Jewish music, the latest news from Israel and Morning Chizuk with Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser. (6:00 a.m. ET) 

CLICK HERE to listen to Dr. Leeor Gottlieb explain the Shirei Maalot psalms in memory of Meir Weingarten, ob"m.

Do you have a friend who would love JM in the AM and NSN? Forward them this newsletter and remind them how easy it is to listen (NSNApp, nachumsegal.com, 605.562.4400). 

Support JM in the AM and at the same time commemorate the yahrtzeit of a loved one. For more details visit the Foundation for Jewish Broadcasting (FJB) today!
To make an online donation right now, please visit fjbunity.org. Thank you for being a key member of the NSN/JM in the AM family.
JOIN us in honoring Nachum Segal for his 36 years on the air!!
The Torah of Unity project (www.torahofunity.com) has been established to honor the 36 years Nachum Segal has dedicated to serving the Jewish people around the world.
Please visit the site and join in this special honor for Nachum!
Click HERE or the image below to watch the Nachum Segal Network's 8th annual Kosher Halftime Show presented by The Rothenberg Law Firm, starring 8th Day and directed by Meir Kay.
Click here for our comprehensive NSN programming schedule.
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