Saturday, August 28, 2021

Fwd: Join us TONIGHT at 9:30 pm EDT to watch Selichot Ideas and Inspiration

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From: OU Women's Initiative <>
Date: Sat, Aug 28, 2021 at 8:02 PM
Subject: Join us TONIGHT at 9:30 pm EDT to watch Selichot Ideas and Inspiration
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The OU Women's Initiative

Mrs. Michal Horowitz
Shavua Tov. Selichot Night of Inspiration with Sivan Rahav Meir and Rabbanit Shani Taragin will be available tonight at 9:30 pm EDT here. The presentations will remain available to provide inspiration during this period of spiritual growth and connection.

This program is dedicated with gratitude and appreciation to all of the inspiring and learned women who dedicate themselves to educating women around the world and strengthening our relationship to Torah & Hashem. 
Belinda & Steven Raikin & family 


Sivan Rahav-Meir is a media personality and lecturer. Married to Yedidya and mother of five, she lives with her family in Jerusalem. She previously went on shlichut her family, serving as the World Mizrachi Shlicha to North America, where she lectured in various communities. She works for Israel TV news, writes a column for Yediot Aharonot newspaper, and hosts a weekly radio show on Galei Zahal (Army Radio). Her lectures on the weekly Torah portion are attended by hundreds and the live broadcast attracts thousands more listeners throughout the world. Sivan lectures in Israel and overseas about the media, Judaism, Zionism and new media. She was voted by Globes newspaper as most popular female media personality in Israel and by the Jerusalem Post as one of the 50 most influential Jews in the world.

Rabbanit Shani Taragin received her B.A. and M.A. in Tanakh and Talmud from Bar-Ilan University and is a graduate of Nishmat's Keren Ariel Program for certification as a halachic advisor (yoetzet halacha) in issues of family purity law. She is the educational director of Matan Eshkolot – Tanakh teachers' education program and of the Morot l'Halacha program in Matan Renana.
Rabbanit Shani serves on the advisory committee for the Mizrachi Olami Shalhevet program for shlichim and lectures throughout Israel and North America on topics of Tanakh, Jewish Education, and Jewish Law. She is a senior lecturer in Matan and is the curriculum coordinator for the Matan – Bnei Akiva program (MTVA). In addition, Rabbanit Shani is a Ra'mit Tanakh in Midreshet Lindenbaum and teaches at Migdal Oz, the Women's Beit Medrash of Efrat and Gush Etzion and in Matan Ramat Shiloh.
She has presented many shiurim at the OU Women's Initiative, including, introductory shiurim to each sefer of the Torat Imecha Nach Yomi Program, Weekend of Inspiration and Selichot Night Shiurim, ALIT Summer Learning Program courses in Israel and in the USA, and Rosh Chodesh shiurim.
Together with her husband, Reuven, she serves as Rosh Beit Medrash for the Beit Medrash Program in Machaneh Moshava Pennsylvania during the summer and as Educational Director of Mizrachi Olami-RZA. Shani lives with her family in Alon Shvut, Gush Etzion-Israel.

Wishing you a month of spiritual growth. 
All the best,

Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman
Director, The Women's Initiative

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