Friday, August 27, 2021

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel 19 Elul 5781/August 27, 2021

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From: Agudath Israel of America <>
Date: Fri, Aug 27, 2021, 2:20 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel 19 Elul 5781/August 27, 2021
To: <>

Strengthening Torah Life. Advocating for the Community. Serving Each Individual.
August 27, 2021 - 19 Elul 5781
News from the Agudah:

  • A stronger Agudah is a stronger Klal Yisroel. Over the last week or two, you have seen those words in various periodicals, in these News from Agudah emails, or forwarded by a friend. To us, working in the Agudah, we really feel these words. We know that our efforts on your behalf directly correlate with how much support we get from you. There are different types of support, of course. When you hit "reply" to one of these emails with a question or a comment – that's support. When you tell someone you meet something you learned in this email – that's support. But when you click on this link, and donate money to the Agudah, that makes everything else possible. Everything that you read about in these emails is because of you. We can't do it without you – hayom t'amtzeinugive us strength to continue to serve the Klal, to serve you. That's what "A stronger Agudah is a stronger Klal Yisroel" means to us, and we hope that it will mean the same thing to you. Thank you for participating in this fundraising effort – please click here to take part.  

  • Agudath Israel of America joins the rest of the nation in mourning the U.S. servicemen and other innocents killed in yesterday's ruthless and contemptible suicide bombings in Kabul. See below to read the full statement.

  • Antisemitism is no laughing matter, yet Rabbi Avi Shafran conveys his take on recent antisemitic attacks with an old Jewish joke. Click here to read.

  • Save the date: Agudah's Torah Projects Commission will be hosting its 32nd nationwide yom iyun, this Sunday, August 29th. See below for more details and how to join.

  • Bnos and Pirchei Newsletters: Download this week's Pirchei newsletters by clicking here for the Pirchei Pages, and here for the Pirchei Weekly. Download the Bnos newsletter for this Shabbos here.

  • Rabbi Shmuel Fuerst's halacha l'maaseh shiur will continue this Sunday morning (8/29/2021) and will be at 10:15 am EST. The call in number is (518) 425-1725 and will be on Halachos of Chol Ha'moed: parameters of going to work on Chol Ha'moed, can you keep your business open during Chol Ha'moed, shopping on Chol Ha'moed.

  • Yarchei Kallah will continue next week on Inyanei Yom HaKippurim U'Teshuvah. See below for next week's schedule.

Agudath Israel Mourns the U.S. Servicemen and Other Innocents Killed in Kabul
Agudath Israel of America joins the rest of the nation in mourning the U.S. servicemen and other innocents killed in yesterday's ruthless and contemptible suicide bombings in Kabul. 

Our soldiers died in service to our country and its values — shielding civilians and assisting them to safety, even at the risk of their own lives. They were heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice, as they fulfilled their duty to "protect and defend."

Innocent men, women and children were murdered while trying to flee a repressive regime that will not hesitate to brutally attack, murder and pillage, especially those who have supported and assisted the U.S. mission in Afghanistan.

We pray for a speedy and smooth recovery to the injured. And we pray for calm and peace in Afghanistan, and for safety to those who remain there and to those who wish to leave.
32nd Nationwide Yom Iyun
The Torah Projects Commission of Agudas Yisroel is proud to announce that its 32nd nationwide yom iyun will take place next Sunday, August 29, at 9:00 AM EDT. The event will feature Rabbi Yisroel Reisman Rav, Agudath Israel Zichron Chaim Zvi of Madison Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshiva Torah Vodaath, at 9:00 AM, Rabbi Elya Brudny Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshivas Mir Flatbush, Chaver, Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah, at 10:00 AM, and Rabbi Yaakov Bender, Rosh Hayeshiva, Yeshiva Darchei Torah, at 10:30 AM.

The event will be in-person at Agudath Israel Zichron Chaim Zvi of Madison, 2122 Avenue S, for men and women, and will also be available to join virtually on, or by calling 718.298.2077 x 52.
Inyanei Yom HaKippurim U'Teshuva
The shiurim will continue next week with the access information as follows:

The Zoom access link is and the call in number is 1-646-558-8656, access code: 835-286-77424.
Agudath Israel of America | 42 Broadway 14th floor, New York, NY 10004
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