Thursday, May 19, 2022

Fwd: WATCH: Bringing Shviis To Life with Rabbi Dani Kuntsler

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From: All Mishnah <>
Date: Thu, May 19, 2022, 6:24 PM
Subject: WATCH: Bringing Shviis To Life with Rabbi Dani Kuntsler
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All Mishnah
Watch: Bringing Shviis To Life

Watch: Bringing Shviis To Life

We are fortunate to share a fascinating vlog of Rabbi Dani Kuntsler visiting two Shmittah observant farms and interacting with Amir Dromi and Doron & Ilana Toweg.

As this is the week of Parshas Behar where the laws of Shmittah are discussed in the Torah, and the Mishnah Yomi cycle is learning Maseches Shviis, this is a perfect time to see and feel the commitment of Shmittah observant farmers.
See below as Rav Dani briefly describes his visit to the farms with his talmidim at Torat Shraga.


Hi, this is Rabbi Dani Kunstler, and I wanted to share with you an experience I had recently. For the past 23 years, I have called Eretz Yisroel my home. Living here allows me to daven at the Kotel, pour my heart out at Kever Rachel, and visit biblically historical sites and burial places.

But regretfully, one thing I had never done was visit a farmer who was a shomer shmittah. I had yet to look into the eyes of a man who puts his complete faith in Hashem, a man who takes the Torah's promise on shmittah observance so seriously that he knowingly lays down his tools and sacrifices his family's livelihood. A few weeks ago I finally got that opportunity.

As someone who learns Mishna Yomi every day, I was very excited to see and hear about the various laws of shmittah that were about to be discussed in the upcoming Masechta of Shviis. I wasn't disappointed, as both of my hosts were extremely well versed in the laws of shmittah. I also went to give chizuk to these dedicated people who have sacrificed so much, but it was I who walked out with the chizuk. These people are special. No, special doesn't do justice. These people are heroes. That's the right word for them. I invite you to ride along with me on my journey into the heart of Eretz Yisroel to see what shmiras shmittah is all about.


We'd like to thank for facilitating the visits.
Visit their website for more info and partner with farmers like Amir, Doron, and Ilana in keeping this special mitzvah of Shmitta.


Episode 1: Rabbi Dani Kunstler visits shmittah observant farmers, Doron & Ilana Towig

Episode 1: Rabbi Dani Kunstler visits shmittah observant farmers, Doron & Ilana Towig

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Episode 2: Rabbi Dani Kunstler visits shmittah observant farmer, Amir Dromi

Episode 2: Rabbi Dani Kunstler visits shmittah observant farmer, Amir Dromi

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