Thursday, May 19, 2022

Fwd: Your Weekly Devar Torah Has Arrived!

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From: All Parsha <>
Date: Thu, May 19, 2022, 7:38 PM
Subject: Your Weekly Devar Torah Has Arrived!
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Behar 5782: Why is Shmita the Paradigmatic Mitzvah of Har Sinai?

Behar 5782: Why is Shmita the Paradigmatic Mitzvah of Har Sinai?


Duration: 7:35


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Watch: Bringing Shviis To Life

Watch: Bringing Shviis To Life


We are fortunate to share a fascinating vlog of Rabbi Dani Kuntsler visiting two Shmittah observant farms and interacting with Amir Dromi and Doron & Ilana Toweg.

As this is the week of Parshas Behar where the laws of Shmittah are discussed in the Torah, and the Mishnah Yomi cycle is learning Maseches Shviis , this is a perfect time to see and feel the commitment of Shmittah observant farmers.
See below as Rav Dani briefly describes his visit to the farms with his talmidim at Torat Shraga.


WATCH: Episode 1

WATCH: Episode 2


Behar 5782 - They Belong to Me

Behar 5782 - They Belong to Me


Duration: 1:04:03


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PRINT: The Time of Your Life

PRINT: The Time of Your Life


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Behar 5782: Verbal Economics

Behar 5782: Verbal Economics


Duration: 3:24


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Behar 5782: Who is a Gibor?

Behar 5782: Who is a Gibor?


Duration: 7:36


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Enslaved Never Again! Eternal Freedom!

Enslaved Never Again! Eternal Freedom!


Duration: 10:27


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