Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Fwd: Listen to Day 1 of the OU Women’s Initiative's Nine Days Audio Series with Professor Adina Broder

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From: OU Women's Initiative <>
Date: Wed, Jul 19, 2023, 8:55 AM
Subject: Listen to Day 1 of the OU Women's Initiative's Nine Days Audio Series with Professor Adina Broder
To: <>

This series is dedicated

לעילוי נשמת משה בן אליהו


Moshe Williams 


ע"הנפטר בשם טובערב שבת חזוןח׳ מנחם אב תשפ"ב


Explore the Kinnot with the 

OU Women's Initiative to make your 

Tisha B'Av more meaningful.

Prof. Adina Broder



Click below to listen to Day 1 of the Nine Days Audio Series on
Mourning with Meaning
with Professor Adina Broder

Listen Now

ADINA BRODER, MS, JD, is the author of Meaningful Kinnos: Kinnos for Tisha B'Av with Explanations, which is available on, and Jewish bookstores. She has also written Meaningful Viduy and Viduy Booklet for Kids. Professor Broder is a frequent presenter for the OU Women's Initiative, and also gives shiurim in her community. She is a professor at Touro Graduate School of Education and a Judaic Studies teacher at Shulamith High School for Girls. In addition, she conducts workshops in Jewish day schools on various pedagogical topics.

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