Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Fwd: The Nine Days and Seeking Peace

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Date: Wed, Jul 19, 2023, 9:03 AM
Subject: The Nine Days and Seeking Peace
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New on YUTorah this Week

Yeshiva University

July 18-24 • Tamuz 29-Av 6

This learning on the site this week was sponsored:

by the Leibler, Goldofsky and Weberman Families l'ilui nishmas R' Shlomo ben Chaim Nosson Leibler HaKohen z"l

by Dr. David and Barbara Hurwitz in memory of Dr. Martin A. Hurwitz, אברהם מיכאל בן אליהו הלוי

by Rona and Shaya Sturm l'zecher nishmas Yaakov Kople ben Menachem Mendel HaCohain

New This Week

Rabbi Chaim Eisenstein

The Heart of the Three Weeks

Analyzing the halachos of the Three Weeks and what lessons they give us about this time period.

Listen Now
Rabbi Josh Goller

Learning Torah During the Three Weeks

Insights from Rav Asher Weiss on the two ways to learn Torah.

Listen Now
Rabbi Shua Katz

The Halachos of the Night, Morning, and Afternoon of Tisha B'Av

Analyzing the various details of the night, morning, and afternoon of Tisha B'Av, what applies during each, and why certain practices change throughout the day

Listen Now
Rabbi Ezra Schwartz

Introduction to Mitzvos Bein Adam L'chaveiro

The first in a new series for the Summer on the laws that govern our interpersonal relationships.

Listen Now
Rabbi Baruch Simon

Selichos in Bein Hametzarim and Buying Clothing During the 3 Weeks

What's the difference between the selichos of a fast day and the selichos of the Yamim Noraim?

Listen Now

Featured This Week


Nine Days Shiurim on YUTorah

Gain a deeper understanding of the what changes as we head towards Tisha B'av and enter the month of Av.

Browse the Shiurim

Remembering Aharon Hakohen and Seeking Peace

Mark the yahrtzeit of Aharon Hakohen with lessons from his life and mission to bring Jews together, as we head towards the month of Av and the period of mourning over our exile brought about by baseless hatred.

Browse the Shiurim

Shabbat Chazon

What is the connection between Shabbat and the destruction of the Beit Hamikdash?

Browse the Shiurim

Learn about Megilat Eicha

What are the messages of the lamentations that form part of the liturgy of Tisha B'av?

Browse the Shiurim

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