Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Fw: News From Agudas Yisroel of Illinois 9 Cheshvan, 5783/October 24, 2023

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From: "Agudah" <info@agudahil.org>
To: "mates57564@aol.com" <mates57564@aol.com>
Sent: Tue, Oct 24, 2023 at 5:19 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel of Illinois 9 Cheshvan, 5783/October 24, 2023

October 24, 2023 | 9 Cheshvan, 5784

  • AIOI will be hosting a Daf Yomi Siyum and Atzeres Tefilla. Scroll down for details and to register.

  • Yahalom Chicago resumed the monthly support group for mothers of children with a mild to moderate disability. See below to read more.

  • Lawn signs supporting STC, the Invest in Kids Act, have been put up around the neighborhood. If you would like to display a lawn sign for your house, please see below for pickup information. 

  • There will be shaimos dropoff the next two Sundays. Scroll for important shaimos reminders.

  • We are pleased to share our early Mincha Minyan list for 5784. Click here or scroll down to download the list.

  • Bnos activities are in full swing! See below for programming details and information.

Click here to download the flyer

Yahalom Chicago Support Group

Yahalom Chicago resumed the monthly support group for mothers of children with a mild to moderate disability. The group was held on Zoom this week. It was very helpful for the mothers to have an opportunity to discuss adjusting to the new school year as well as spending a few minutes saying Tehillim together.

STC Invest in Kids Press Conference

Lawn signs supporting STC, the Invest in Kids Act, have been put up around the neighborhood. If you would like to display a lawn sign for your house, please stop by the Agudah office at 3434 W Peterson Ave between the hours of 9:00 am-4:30 pm. To pick up a lawn sign outside of these hours, please contact Mrs. Rosenberg at 773-279-8400 ext. 213.

Early Mincha Minyanim

Click on the image below to download a copy of the Early Mincha Minyan List for 5784

Bnos Activities

Bnos Leaders Opening Meeting

This past Wednesday, Bnos hosted an opening meeting for our Leaders. The program opened with words of encouragement and useful tips from Mrs. Aron, which the leaders were able to incorporate into their groups for the first week of Shabbos Bnos.

The girls heard from a panel of Bnos alumni, who highlighted the impact that Shabbos Bnos groups have on the girls, and on the leaders as well. They then enjoyed fresh cinnamon buns and delicious hot cocoa.

We are looking forward to a great year where each girl will add her own unique touch to Bnos 5784!

Click on any of the flyers below to download a copy

Sunday clubs are starting this Sunday! Pre-registration required.

Reserve a slot

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Agudath Israel of Illinois | 3434 W Peterson Avenue, Chicago, IL 60659
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Sent by info@agudahil.org

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