Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Fwd: FAQ’s re: The Siyum On Nashim This Sunday

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From: The Agudah <news@agudah.org>
Date: Tue, Oct 24, 2023, 6:58 PM
Subject: FAQ's re: The Siyum On Nashim This Sunday
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

Why are we hosting a Siyum now?

Klal Yisrael is celebrating the Siyum on Seder Nashim - the halfway point through Shas. This monumental time also coincides with the 100 Year Anniversary of Day Yomi, started by Rav Meir Shapiro at the Knesiah Gedolah of Agudas Yisrael in 1923. We will also be starting Seder Nezikin as we head towards the next Siyum HaShas in 2027! 

What is the program? 

The event will feature Rav Yeruchem Olshin, Rav Noach Issac Oelbaum, Rav Meilech Beiderman and Rav Shimon Galai via a live hookup from Eretz Yisrael, inspiration, tefilah music and more. 

The singing will be led by R' Baruch Levine, R' Chaim Adler and Ari Hill. We will also have amazing videos including special messages from Gedolei Eretz Yisroel such as Rav Mechel Zilber and others. 

We will of course include tefillos for Acheinu Bnei Yisrael and inspired singing that will uplift us all. 

Even with the current Matzav? 

Not even, but especially! Torah is the essence of our nation and our existence throughout history. In an Eis Tzara l'Yaakov, mimenah yivasheya through Torah and our renewed inspiration and commitment to limud Daf Yomi. 

Where and When is The Siyum?

We will celebrate this historic celebration on Sunday, October 29, together with thousands of participants in the main Atrium of Bell Works in Holmdel, New Jersey. 

Who's it for? 

Everyone! Men, Women, Children, Current Lomdei HaDaf, Future Lomdei HaDaf and all of Klal Yisrael. 

How do I attend the event? 

Visit TheSiyum.org and register now - but hurry, tickets are going fast! Tickets are $54 each. You can also email thesiyum@agudah.org, or call 212.797.7380 to purchase.

The Siyum is this Sunday, October 29. The Seudas Mitzvah reception will begin at 6:00pm, and the program proper will begin at 7:00pm.

At this historic milestone, marking a century of Daf Yomi learning, we celebrate the daily commitment, passion and mesiras nefesh of lomdei Daf Yomi. Day in and day out, you are part of the greatest learning program and expansion of Torah learning in history.

We invite you and your family for a siyum on Seder Nashim, marking the half-way point of the 14th cycle of Daf Yomi, on Sunday, October 29th, 2023 at Bell Works. The Siyum is sure to be an uplifting display of Kovod Shamayim that will inspire continued growth. This event will be graced by leading Roshei Yeshiva and Rabbanim.

In light of the matzav nora currently facing Klal Yisroel, and in accordance with guidance from our Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, we will also feature special tefilos on behalf of Acheinu Kol Bais Yisroel, and divrei chizuk v'hisorirus from Gedolei Yisroel.

Next Sunday Oct 29 - Cheshvan 14

Seudas Mitzvah Reception 6pm

Program 7pm

Bell Works, Holmdel, NJ

Register Today at www.thesiyum.org

212.797.7380 ~ thesiyum@agudah.org

Agudath Israel of America | 42 Broadway 14th floor, New York, NY 10004
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