Monday, October 9, 2023

FW: Tonight for Israel

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-------- Original message --------
From: Rabbi Meir Moscowitz <>
Date: 10/9/23 11:12 AM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: Tonight for Israel


How can we fathom the savage slaughter of our brothers and sisters–the men, women and children brutally murdered and violated in their homes, and on the streets of Israel? We mourn this catastrophe. We are stirred to positive action in support of our brethren. 
Please join us tonight, Monday, Oct 9, 2023, 7:30 p.m. at the Holiday Inn in Skokie, 5300 W Touhy Ave, Skokie, for an evening of prayer and solidarity gathering hosted by the centers of Lubavitch Chabad of Illinois.
Let us harness these spiritual energies in solidarity with our brethren in Israel. We will also hear a live report from a Chabad representative in the line of fire.
We pray fervently for the definitive, resounding and swift success of the Israel Defense Forces and for the safety of its soldiers and the people of Israel.
Please spread the word. See below about more that you can do. 
1. Take Up a "Call to Arms"
> What it is: Before the outbreak of the 1967 war, the Rebbe prompted a literal "call to arms" to encourage Jewish males don the holy heart-and-mind connectors known as tefillin, whose spiritual potency is foretold in the Talmud to help instill fear and deterrence in the enemy
> What to do: Help every Jewish man and boy over the age of 13 to put on tefillin today, and every weekday.
> Links: Want to learn how to put on tefillin? Check out this tutorial. Don't have tefillin or seek the personal touch? Contact your local Chabad rabbi or visit a trusted Judaica source. (There are a couple to choose from here, too.) Watch the Rebbe explain the power of tefillin.
2. Share the Power of Light
> What it is: While this is a once-a-week mitzvah, its power lasts for an entire seven days. Lighting Shabbat and holiday candles ushers light and peace into the home and the world.
> What to do: Encourage every Jewish woman and girl to light Shabbat candles every Friday before the onset of Shabbat and on the eve of Jewish holidays.
> Links: Learn how to light Shabbat candles, find out what time the candles should be lit, read stories and discover the power of bringing more light into the world. Watch the Rebbe discuss the redemptive power of Shabbat candles.
3. Check Your (Spiritual) Security System
> What it is: Called the guardian of the Jewish home and the guardian of the Jewish people throughout the ages, the mezuzah is a parchment scroll containing sacred portions of the Torah that is hung on the right side of the doorpost to a Jewish home. They are also affixed on most doorposts within the home.
> What to do: Do you have mezuzahs on and in your home? This is a good time have them checked to make sure they are still in tiptop shape. (It is best to do so annually, and at least twice every seven years.) If you don't have mezuzahs, or are missing on some doors, now is the time to get up to snuff.
> Links: Learn all about mezuzahs and how to affix them, and how and why to check them. Watch the Rebbe discuss the protective power of mezuzah.
4. Pray
> What it is: The power of prayer-our ability to reach the gates of heaven and plead with the Almighty to make things better.
> What to do: Dedicate a daily prayer for our brethren in Israel. Psalms are especially appropriate for times like this. But feel free to go off-script and speak to G d directly in your own words, too. While praying, keep in mind those who were injured in the attacks, in addition to all of Israel. The prayer of children is considered to be particularly potent.
> Links:Psalms. (Chapter 20 has a special significance at times such as these.) Watch the Rebbe discuss the potency of children's prayer in a time like this.
5. Be Financially Supportive
> What it is: Give charity! The protective strength of charity is considered to be particularly strong. Consider in part also an Israel-based charity.
> What to do:Chabad's Terror Victims Project and Colel Chabad are two of the many worthy organizations doing this holy work. Watch the Rebbe discuss the special protective power of charity for Israel.
6. Nurture Your Faith
> What it is: What kept us going for thousands of years. Amid all crises, the faith and knowledge that G-d is with us and protects us.
> What you can do: Reach into yourself to find it. Learn about it. And speak to your family and friends about it. Gather them around your dining room table at home or the water cooler at work and speak about our faith in G-d and His bond with every one of us. Engender confident trust that He will guard us, and especially in His holy land.
Reach out to friends and family in Israel, or even to strangers on Facebook. Tell them that you are one with them, about the mitzvahs you're doing in their honor, and that you are sure that they will prevail.
> Links: Watch the Rebbe explain the strategic importance of faith.
7. Get a Letter
> What it is: The Torah is the common denominator that unites all Jewish people. Special Torah scrolls are being written in Israel, in which every single Jewish person may purchase a letter to become part of the Torah and unite together. Besides for fulfilling (at least in part) the Biblical commandment to write a Torah scroll, having a letter in these scrolls connects you and Jewish people all over the globe, in Israel and the diaspora, into one Torah-created unified entity.
> What you can do: Purchase letters for yourself and your family members, and encourage others to do the same.
> Links: Fill out this form to purchase letters (for a symbolic $1) in the special Torah for all Jewish children under bar- or bat-mitzvah age. To be united with Jews of all ages in the Torah, purchase letters here. Watch the Rebbe discuss the unifying power of purchasing a letter in the Torah.

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