Monday, October 9, 2023

Fwd: Please send us the names of Chayalim

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From: HTC <>
Date: Mon, Oct 9, 2023, 7:20 AM
Subject: Please send us the names of Chayalim
To: <>

Dear Yeshiva Community,

As you have heard, Shemini Atzeres and Simchas Torah in Israel quickly turned from yom tov into aivel (mourning), as hundreds of acheinu in Israel were killed by terrorists and many more are injured and fighting for their lives. Innocent Israelis are being held hostage and families have been torn apart. 

At times like these, we must do our part to turn to Hashem to beseech his rachamim and strengthen our commitment to daven, learn Torah and perform mitzvos to help bring a yeshua to this horrific situation.  

Our Yeshiva has alumni who are currently serving in the IDF, as well as many who have been called up to serve.  We will be dedicating the learning and davening as an i'lui neshama for the kedoshim and a zechus for all those who are injured, captured and for all the chayalim, and in particular our alumni, who are in the IDF.  

If you are serving in the IDF or have a child or a relative serving at this time, please click here to send us his English name and Hebrew name (e.g. shlomo ben malka) to, so he can be added to the tefilla list.  

We pray for a refuah shleima to those injured and for the safe return of the hostages and the thousands of IDF soldiers.


Rabbi Shmuel L. Schuman 


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