Thursday, November 30, 2023

Fw: And Yaakov was alone

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Sent: Thu, Nov 30, 2023 at 6:01 PM
Subject: And Yaakov was alone
New! YUTorah Parsha Roundup for Vayishlach

Yeshiva University

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Parshat Vayishlach 5784

Download the newest edition of the YUTorah in Print for Vayishlach

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Learn about the Parsha

Topics on Vayishlach

Vayishlach and the War in Israel

What lessons can we glean from this week's parsha to help us understand what is happening now in Israel and the Jewish people?

Browse the Shiurim
The Prohibition of Flattery

Was Yaakov's praise of Eisav appropriate? Is there a prohibition to give someone false compliments?

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Yaakov's Name Change

What's the deeper significance of changing Yaakov's name to Yisrael?

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Why did Shimon and Levi Destroy Shechem?

What did the people of Shechem do to deserve their punishment? Were Shimon and Levi right to do what they did?

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Vayishlach and Chanuka

How does Parshat Vayishlach and the stories within it prepare us to approach Chanuka?

Browse the Shiurim

New This Week

Recent Shiurim on Vayishlach

Rabbi Dr. Yaakov Abramovitz: Did Yaakov Really Observe All the Mitzvos?

Rabbi Elchanan Adler: The Avos and their שמירת התורה
Rabbi Yisroel Bloom: Never Giving Up

Rabbi Chaim Brovender: Rachel, Leah & Ruth

Rabbi Dan Cohen: The Two Faces of Esav

Rabbi Daniel Eisenberg: The War with the Malach, the War with the Greeks, the War with Chamas
Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom: An Embrace, A Kiss and Those Mysterious Masoretic Dots

Rabbi Daniel Z. Feldman: Ongoing Debate About the Rules of War

Rabbi Joel Finkelstein: Survival
Rabbi Yonatan Shai Freedman: Careful with Words

Rabbi Yechezkel Freundlich: Setting our Pace According to the Kids

Rabbi Efrem Goldberg: Collective Punishment and Civilian Casualties
Morah Stacey Goldman: The Kiss of Death or Love?
Rabbi Yamin Goldsmith: Defeating Eisav
Rabbi Meir Goldwicht: מה חשב יעקב בחזרתו הביתה
Rabbi Gedaliah Jaffe: Shimon and Levi Killing Civilians
Rabbi Ari Kahn: The Other Struggle
Rabbi Shaya Katz: We're Lovers First THEN Fighters
Rabbi Eliakim Koenigsberg: Praying is Believing
Rabbi Aaron Leibtag: Focus On the Victories: The Gid Hanashe
Rabbi Yoni Mandelstam: Recognizing the Battles of Galus and Gaza

Rabbi Andrew Markowitz: Advocacy and Civilian Casualties

Rabbi Yaakov Neuburger: Will They Always Hate Us? Halacha Eisav Sonei Es Yaakov
Rabbi Shay Schachter: Marginalized & Fighting For Our National Freedom Until The Sun Will Rise

Rabbi Etan Schnall: Eretz Yisrael - The Only Place We Want to Be

Mrs. Shira Smiles: "Diminishment" Deciphered
Rabbi Zvi Sobolofsky: The Message of the Gid Hanasheh

Rabbi Moshe Taragin: Buying Land in Israel with Foreign Currency

Rabbi Yehuda Turetsky: Who Was Devorah?
Rabbi Jonathan Ziring: Three Perspectives on the Schem Story
Recent Articles on Vayishlach
Rabbi Immanuel Bernstein: Mergers and Boundaries
Rabbi Dr. Kenneth Brander: Fear and Concern
Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald: Who Was Esau?

Mrs. Michal Horowitz: Sacred & Profane

Rabbi Norman Lamm: The Ways of Esau

Rabbi Yehuda Mann: Spiritual Growth: Not at the Expense of Others

Rabbi Dr. Mordechai Schiffman: Redeeming Distress

Rabbi Johnny Solomon: The Greatest Female Jewish Influencer that you've never heard of

Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner: Rivkah's Final Sacrifice

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