Thursday, November 30, 2023

Fwd: Steve Neuwirth Mishpacha Article; All Parsha Player Update

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From: All Torah <>
Date: Thu, Nov 30, 2023, 4:15 PM
Subject: Steve Neuwirth Mishpacha Article; All Parsha Player Update
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READ: In His Faith, He Will Live



Read Yonoson Rosenblum's article about Stephen Neuwirth a"h in this week's Mishpacha magazine.

Read The Article

WATCH: New Player Page Coming to All Parsha

WATCH: Beis HaLevi on Bitachon



Watch the latest episodes from Rabbi David Sutton on the Beis HaLevi.


New episodes get released every Monday-Thursday on every All Torah platform.

Watch The Series




Dear All Daf Learner,  


Everyone knows how popular All Daf is.  

Many people know that it launched in January 2020.  

Almost no one knows that there was an anonymous donor behind the app.  


That man was Stephen Neuwirth a"h.   


Steve a"h, Shalom ben Peretz, tragically passed away almost one year ago at the age of 60, following a short, severe illness.  

As a tribute, a thank you, and an ilui neshama, we are arranging a siyum hashas for his first yahrtzeit, on the eve of 

January 2, 2024/22 Teves 5784.  

Steve's family has encouraged us to dedicate the learning not only in his memory, but as a merit to all those on the front lines in Eretz Yisrael and the safety of all Jews around the world.  


Please join us in learning Shas in Steve's memory and as a protection for Klal Yisrael by clicking here.  You can also leave a message for the Neuwirth family letting them know how All Daf has impacted your life.  


May this united effort of learning Shas in Steve's memory be an ilui for his neshama and bring safety and security to us all across the globe. 

WATCH: The Power of One

Could We Also Do A 3-for-1 Exchange?

I've been overcome with a personal sense of dread since the ongoing hostage swap began. I feel much the same way I felt when the war began, those same feelings of anguish and frustration. Without getting into a political and halachic debate, exchanging 3 criminals for each innocent hostage is obviously not fair and most certainly a propaganda victory for our enemies, even as they look to psychologically torment us and hope to wipe off us the map.

We constantly pray and believe that Hashem is the Matir Asurim. The way this exchange is being played out, in such a clearly unfair and unnatural way, again points to Hashem controlling every move.

Even the rachamim, mercy, of some hostages being released is coming in the form of rachamim b'din, mercy cloaked in judgement. Women and children are being released to no home, to families torn apart by murder, with other family members still in captivity. How do we swallow this? We see the mercy of G-d, but it's not enough. G-d is still talking to us harshly.

I've been thinking to myself, how much time do I spend reading the news? Do I spend more time reading about the hostages and their situations than I actually spend praying, learning and doing good deeds on their behalf? If the freed hostages had the chance to ask me a favor, what would it sound like? I imagine it would sound something like this: We appreciate all your care and concern. But there's only so many times you can read the same story, there's only so many times you can get upset while reading social media posts about how the world has gone mad and has no moral compass. How about using some of that energy to pray to G-d for the release of other captives? How about take some time to instead do a good deed for us and our families that are suffering terribly?

It occurred to me, perhaps I can flip the numbers in my own 3:1 exchange? 

3 minutes of good for every 1 minute of catching up on the news?

Imagine I could do a 3 for 1 exchange of 15 minutes of good in exchange for 5 minutes of scrolling my feed or reading the news? How many 3:1 exchanges do you have in you?

Join me for one week in a 3:1 exchange that will surely uplift you and help create more of the merits needed to ensure the safe return of all the captives, as well as ensuring the safety of all Jews worldwide!

Rabbi Moshe Schwed

Director, All Torah

40 Rector St, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10006

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