Monday, November 20, 2023

Fw: {Be'er Mayim Chaim} Fwd: Bas Ayin Segula

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From: "Rabbi Tal Zwecker" <>
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Sent: Mon, Nov 20, 2023 at 12:40 PM
Subject: {Be'er Mayim Chaim} Fwd: Bas Ayin Segula

Bas Ayin Segula

The Bas Ayin was niftar childless, and his kever in Tzfas is noted as a place of yeshuos. As he has done in the last several years, the famous mashpia Harav Elimelech Biderman presides over a yahrtzeit seudah in Tzfas, and also arranges for many buses from across Eretz Yisrael to converge on Tzfas, bringing many thousands in need of yeshuos and refuos to daven at the kever. (To donate a seudah le'ilu nishmas the great Bas Ayin, Harav Avraham Dov Auerbach of Ovritch, on his yahrtzeit email us at

Those in the original chaburah remember the young man who hadn't been blessed with children. They recall how he shared his pain with Reb Meilech on one of those Thursday nights in Reb Shloim'ke's dirah opposite the Mir.

Reb Meilech listened and said, "Next week is the Bas Ayin's yahrtzeit. You will host the seudah in your home."

The yungerman was bewildered by the advice, but the next week, the little group gathered in his apartment. Nine months later, they rejoiced when their friend had his first child, a girl.

Why the Bas Ayin?

No one can know for sure, but a close talmid speculates. Nearly every single vort in the sefer Bas Ayin centers around the same theme: Hachna'ah. Submissiveness. And who takes up less space than Rav Meilech Biderman? He is a smile and voice, a call of courage and hope, but he takes nothing, asks for nothing, needs nothing. The man who dances on tables and throws himself on kevarim, who sits down on the low wall outside the shul after the shiur to chat with a dejected 15-year-old bochur.


"And it was after about three months that it was told to Yehuda, 'Your kalla [daughter-in-law] Tamar has been unfaithful and behold she has conceived through unfaithfulness.' And Yehuda said, 'Take her out to be burned.' She was taken out and she sent word to her father-in-law, saying, 'By the man to whom these belong have I conceived.' And she said, 'Can you identify whose are this chosemes (seal) and these pesilim (wrap or threads) and this staff?' (Bereishis 38:24–25)

Rav Avrohom Dov of Avritsch, in his sefer Bas Ayin, gives an amazing explanation of these pesukim based on the Arizal [Rav Elozor Twerski of Faltishan used to say that this is actually a teaching by Rav Mottele of Czernobyl, the Rebbe of the Bas Ayin, which was mistakenly incorporated into his talmid's sefer without attribution.]

And it was after about three months – from Rosh Hashana to Chanuka, when the chasima occurs and judgment is sealed, is three months. Then the evil Soton, the accuser, comes forth and prosecutes people before the Creator, alluded to by the name Yehuda (which contains the four-letter name of Hashem: Yud-Kay-Vov-Kay). The accuser comes before Hashem (Yehuda) and prosecutes us, saying, "Your kalla, Tamar, has been unfaithful" – Knesses Yisrael, who is compared to a tamar (date tree) and is the kalla (bride) of Hashem, has been unfaithful! She has gone after her passions, lusts and desires "and behold she has conceived through unfaithfulness!" Not only does she sin, but she brings it upon herself! She is attached in dveikus to sin!

And Yehuda (Hashem) says, "Take her out to be burned." Knesses Yisrael brings these sins upon herself! She was taken out and she sent word to her father-in-law, saying, "Knesses Yisrael responds to the prosecution of the evil yetzer's accusations against her, saying: "It is a lie that we are attached in dveikus to sin; rather, we are attached in dveikus and have conceived from the person to whom these belong, le'ish asher eileh lo, the words eileh lo equaling seventy-two in gematria, which is equivalent to the word chessed, loving-kindness. We are attached to the One to Whom eileh lo – the source of chessed, Hashem – to Him are we attached in dveikus, and not to sin. Even if sometimes the exile and the burdens of earning a living and other matters cause us to stray – still, in the depths of our hearts we are attached in love to the Creator!

And she said further [to Yehuda/Hashem], "Can you identify whose are this chosemes (seal) and these pesilim (wrap or threads) and this staff?" The seal alludes to the miraculous oil of the Chanuka lights, which was found in one pure jug of oil sealed with the seal of the Kohen Godol, the pesilim allude to the wicks of the Ner Chanuka, and the staff hints at the vessel or kli, the receptacle for the oil and the wick to make a ner (candle). The word hamateh with the kollel (including the value of the word itself) is the same gematria as the word kli. This means that the mitzva of Ner Chanuka (the oil, wicks and vessel) that we perform, thereby fulfilling Hashem's will, is clear proof that we follow Hashem and do His will. We are attached in dveikus to Hashem. And Yehuda (Hashem) responds, "Tzodka mimeni – she is more righteous and correct than I – I admit that Klal Yisrael are correct and that the truth is they are attached to Me, and even if occasionally they stray, it is because I did not give her to my son Sheiloh – hinting at Shilo, the Moshiach, as it says: Ad ki yavo Shilo (Bereishis 49:10), which alludes to the coming of Moshiach, because Moshiach has not yet come to end the exile and I have not yet sent the Redeemer to be their shepherd." May he come speedily in our days, Amen.

Kol Tuv,
R' Tal Moshe Zwecker
Director Machon Be'er Mayim Chaim Publishing
Chassidic Classics in the English Language
in Israel: 972-58-322-1218 (sorry no sms)

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