Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Fwd: Counting Towards Sinai - Kinyan 26

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From: OU Women's Initiative <ouwomen@ounetwork.org>
Date: Tue, May 21, 2024, 6:01 AM
Subject: Counting Towards Sinai - Kinyan 26
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

Dedicated in loving memory of Charne Liba bas R' Yitzchok Yehudah,
by her children Ella Shapiro, Harry Klaristenfeld, and Nancy Wilamowsky.

Ms. Robin Tassler is from Paramus, NJ and currently works at Naaleh High School for Girls in Fair Lawn, NJ. At Naaleh, she teaches 9th grade Navi, is an 11th grade mechanechet and is also on the Student Life Team. Robin graduated from the Macaulay Honors Program at Queens College with a major in psychology and a minor in Jewish studies. She also completed her master's in Jewish education as a part of the PELE Cohort from the Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration.

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