Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Fw: Time to Generate Opportunities

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From: "Sichos in English" <editor@sie.org>
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Sent: Tue, May 21, 2024 at 12:20 PM
Subject: Time to Generate Opportunities
Time to Generate Opportunities
Yud Gimmel Iyar , 5784 — May 21, 2024

To what extent am I just a "pawn" in existence, trapped by the natural order of things?

In honor of Pesach Sheini, Sichos in English is sharing a revolutionary farbrengen from 5744 (1984), that opens a window to our unique potential. The Rebbe delves into the origins of Pesach Sheini and its eternal message, leaving us with a transformative discovery - that we can disregard the natural order and generate opportunities.

The Rebbe applies this to Mashiach, emphasizing that our sincere desire and demand for his imminent arrival will itself cause it to become a reality.

Learn this empowering farbrengen and start living with the true mindset of es is nita kein farfallen.

There is no end to what your ambition will accomplish.

Read the Excerpt
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