Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Fwd: The Holiday of Second Chances

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From: YUTorah <office@yutorah.org>
Date: Tue, May 21, 2024, 5:28 PM
Subject: The Holiday of Second Chances
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

New on YUTorah this Week

Yeshiva University

Yeshiva University Stands Together With Israel

Click here for resources, materials and recordings about the current situation in Israel. Please have in mind for all the learning on YUTorah to be a merit for the Jewish community in Israel and around the world, and be a protection for the IDF soldiers and captives currently in danger.

May 21-27 • Iyar 13-19

This learning on the site this week was sponsored:

by Nechama and Elliott Strauss and Family in memory of Mr. Michael S. Strauss, HaChover Shlomo Michoel ben Mayer 

by Avigayil Roffe in honor of her parents

by the Schulder, Gabe, Papilsky, Katz, Gewirtz and Richman families in memory of  their patriarch, Mr. Leslie Gabor, Eliezer ben Menachem Mendel Halevi a"h on his yahrzeit

by the Gittleman family for a zechus of a refuah shleimah for Nosson Dovid ben Chaya Breindel

by Harris and Elisheva Teitz Goldstein l'ilui nishmas הרבנית בתיה בת הרב אלעזר מאיר, Rebbetzin Bessie Preil Teitz z'l, on her 31st yahrzeit, ג' אייר

New This Week


Rabbi Daniel Z. Feldman

Ona'as Devarim, Comparison Shopping, and Trigger Warnings

What are the halachic guidelines for having sensitivity in our speech?

Listen Now

Rabbi Judah Kerbel

Doctor's White Coat, Yom Hazikaron Siren, and Chukos Hagoyim

Starting a new series with the Tzurba M'Rabanan Halacha series

Listen Now

Rabbi Zvi Sobolofsky

Being Motzi Others in Mitzvos

How does shomea k'oneh work? Why does one have to be obligated in a mitzvah to fulfill it for someone else?

Listen Now

Rabbi Jonah Steinmetz

Protektzia or Protectionism? The Importance of Supporting Jewish Businesses

Is one required to only shop at Jewish-owned stores?

Listen Now

Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner

"I Seek My Brethren": Dealing with Pro-Palestinian Jews

How do we deal with Jews who are pro-Palestinian, especially if they are friends or family members? Are we aggressive because they are endangering the Jewish community? Are we supportive because we endorse their compassion?

Listen Now

Featured This Week


Celebrating the Downfall of our Enemies

What is the proper approach when the wicked suffer? Can we daven that our enemies should die?

Browse the Shiurim

The Holiday of Second Chances

Learn about the lessons and background of Pesach Sheni, and why it's relevant today even without the opportunity to bring the Korban Pesach.

Browse the Shiurim

Get Fired Up for Lag B'Omer!

As we approach the mystical day of Lag B'Omer and the celebration of the hidden Torah, learn more about the significance of this deep and significant day on the Jewish calendar.

Browse the Shiurim

Kollel & Midreshet Yom Rishon @YUTORAH

There was no program this past week. Please enjoy shiurim from our archives.

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