Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Fw: [-aneinu] Rebbetzin Orit Esther Riter - Aiming with focus

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Sent: Tue, Jul 23, 2024 at 12:22 PM
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Rebbetzin Orit Esther Riter - Aiming with focus

Aiming with focus


Living a spiritually conscious life takes constant effort. It represents the path of Jewish inner awareness. Our true purpose in davening is to gather all of our spiritual energy in order to reveal that which is hidden and transcend beyond that which my eyes can see, that is, the G-dliness in the World.

Davening is considered the secret Jewish weapon. What is kavannah (focused intent) in prayer? Kavannah represents avodah she'ba'lev (work of the heart) – praying with the heart, not only with the mind. When we pray from the heart, the words are elevated, our emotions are stirred and we strengthen a connection with Hashem.

However, in the absence of proper intent, our prayers go wandering without a destination. Praying with kavannah transforms us and realigns our soul. Kavannah means our words are real, they have direction and effect. I am not merely reciting syllables. Kavannah comes from the word le'ka'vehn (to direct) – like a sharpshooter who aims, fires and hits his target with concentrated focus.

Kavannah can serve to bring out intense clarity of our higher purpose. We may feel a burst of awareness of our true purpose and yearn to fulfill the task perfectly. Davening with kavannah may enable us to feel conscious that we cannot do anything without Hashem's guidance. Alternatively, it may enable us to hear our soul.

Join me in Far Rockaway later this month for a special women's workshop!

Secure your spot now - registration is open, and scholarships are available to support your journey! #oremuna 🌱



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Orit Esther Riter

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A short inspirational quote from one of Orit Esther's Books ~

"  When a lonely man lives with emuna his soul thirsts for Hashem. Although he may feel distant and cast into emotional exile, his emuna keeps him strong to endure the hardships and remain hopeful for the imminent redemption to arrive. "

- Turnaround 180 Degrees in 180 Days, by Orit Esther Riter 

Shop all three books here: oremunaenergy.com/books

Dedicate the next Or Talk Digest to the memory of a loved one, a birthday gift to yourself or others, personal success, or as a segula for a refuah shelema, righteous children, or a zivug/shidduch.  

Email Orit Esther at oremunausa@gmail.com to inquire about a dedication opportunity. Or Emuna USA Inc. is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Therefore all programs and services of Or Emuna Energy Institute are considered charitable donations.

Copyright 2024 © Orit Esther Riter, All rights reserved.

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