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Moving: Kaddish during the Prime Minister's flight - Kol Shabbat - Parashat Pinchas 5784
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Erev Shabbat - Parashat Pinchas 5784 | 20 Tammuz 5784 - July 26, 2024

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How to Argue for Heaven's Sake | Pinchas 5784

Rav Doron Perez
Executive Chairman of Mizrachi World Movement

The essence of the spiritual impediment, the failure which led to the destruction of the Second Temple, which we are currently mourning in the Three Weeks, is 'sinat chinam'. Our Sages point out how in interactions between people there was baseless hatred. There was an inability to legitimize the view of others, or to accept on any level any legitimacy of others. 

We know in Israel, there are tremendous arguments at the moment – politically, religiously – and in communities and governments around the world there is so much debate and divisiveness.  

The Kli Yakar asks how can we create unity? Using the word for heaven – 'shamayim'. The Mishnah in Pirkei Avot says an argument that is for the sake of Heaven, 'lesheim shamayim', will endure. What is 'shamayim'? He says the word is made up of the words for fire, 'eish', and water, 'mayim'. No two elements could be more confrontational and divisive – water extinguishes fire, and fire vaporizes water. 

However, in heaven, these two elements come together and create peace – 'oseh shalom bimromav', "He who makes peace on High." It brings together all the opposing spiritual forces in the world, all are legitimate. That is what an argument for the sake of Heaven is: argue, yes. Vociferously, yes. Totally differing views, yes. But always remember 'lesheim shamayim'. G-d brings the most contrasting views,  not to be only in conflict but to be complementary in ways which bring together. 

In our arguments and in life, may we all be able to do it 'lesheim shamayim', for the sake of Heaven – and see the legitimate view, to find ways to bring these together that the contrast should ultimately be one which is complementary.



Pinchas 5784

Rabbi Moshe Taragin,
Ra"m at Yeshivat Har Etzion

Follow the Leader

Rabbi Stewart Weiss

One of the clearest signs of greatness is Humility. The great ones are always humble; and this humility is most severely tested when one experiences pain, rejection and disappointment and yet still maintains complete faith in G-d.
Moshe Rabbeinu pleads to Hashem - whom he refers to here as "Elokay HaRuchot, the G-d of spirits" - to choose a leader to replace him. This strange name for Hashem implies that a leader should be tolerant, and inclusive of all types and temperaments. This was clearly a hint to Hashem that Pinchas, despite his brave act of zealotry when he killed Zimri, was not the right person to lead the nation.
Moshe is told to place his hand upon Yehoshua and declare him as successor. But when Moshe performs this act, he slightly deviates from G-d's command and places both his hands on Yehoshua! A subtle, but significant change from the original command. What happened here?
Moshe, like any good father - he was human, after all! - would have preferred that his own son succeed him. But G-d chose Yehoshua, who was a great scholar in his own right. So Moshe thought, "OK, fine, let Yehoshua be the Torah leader; but let my son be the military leader, the king, or the community benefactor." Moshe thought that perhaps, by being ordered to place just one hand on Yehoshua, G-d was hinting this could actually happen.
But G-d rejected this idea; He wanted a person who had it all, who embodied all the diverse qualities needed to lead a people as challenging as Israel. And so Moshe placed both his hands on Yehoshua's head, indicating that Yehoshua would be Tzadik, King and General.
This valiant yet bittersweet act speaks volumes about Moshe's devotion to G-d, and to the nation, which he placed before any personal ambition or desire he might have harbored. It also sends another crucial message: The future, ultimate hero of Am Yisrael will be someone who excels not only in Tosfot, but in tanks; not only Medrash, but also military strategy; an expert in commerce no less than Kedusha. Like David HaMelech. Like Moshiach, the future, heralded scholar-teacher-warrior.
This elusive goal can only take place in Israel, where all the disparate elements of society - the military, political, economic and educational – can merge into one entity. Only here can a leader emerge who will contain within a single body, a single perfected soul, all the holy components of redemption, who will carry a Tanach into battle while defeating our enemies and energize our Neshamot.
That's what and who we are waiting for: Please come soon!

If Only

Rabbi Judah Mischel

During a challenging time for the Jewish community, Rebbetzin Chaya Mishkovsky the wife of Rav Chizkiyahu Mishkovsky, shlit"a, a prolific educator, joined a Yom Kippur Katan service in Bnei Brak. There she met Rebbetzin Tamar Shteinman, a"h, the wife of Rav Aharon Leib Shteinman, zt"l. After davening, Rebbetzin Tamar turned to Rebbetzin Chaya, and exclaimed, "Do you see how many tears were shed here today? This shul was filled with brokenheartedness…" "All of us here are pleading with Hashem, davening for different things — safety, health, etc. If only we truly understood that all of our tzaros will cease with the rebuilding of the Beis HaMikdash and the coming of Moshiach!"
Our sedra recounts the holy zealotry of Pinchas. Facing a deadly plague afflicting Klal Yisrael in which thousands died, the righteous leader rose up, took action and saved the nation from suffering. David HaMelech sang a praise in tribute to the heroism of Pinchas:
"They provoked [G-d] with their deeds, and a plague broke out among them. Pinchas stood up and executed justice, and the plague was stopped" (Tehillim 106:29–30).
In Gemara Sanhedrin (44a), Rebbi Elazar notes that it doesn't say va-yitpallel, 'and [Pinchas] prayed,' rather, vayefallel, "and he executed judgment." This teaches that he entered into a judgment together with his Creator. When casting Zimri and Cozbi down, Pinchas thus addressed G-d: "Ribbono Shel Olam! Was it not because of these sinners that 24,000 members of the Jewish people fell?"
Rebbe Mendel of Vitebsk, zy"a, resonates with Rebbi Elazar's insight: in seeing the suffering of the nation, Pinchas was pained by the fallen state of Hashem's honor. His motivation was Divine zealousness in intense empathy and oneness with the Creator. When Klal Yisrael suffers, Hashem's Presence suffers, so-to-speak. This is intolerable to a tzadik – as it ought to be for any feeling, believing Jew, as well.
Surely, sensing the pain of the Shechinah will make one yearn greatly for Her wellbeing and motivate a radical action: "It is a time to act for Hashem, for they have violated Your teaching (Tehillim 119:126). Rav Moshe Chaim Luzzato (Mesilas Yesharim, 19) describes this fierce empathetic yearning and active response as an essential element in our individual spiritual development and national identity. As the Zohar teaches, "Who is a chasid, a pious one? One who does kindness, is mit'chased, with their Maker….
"...Behold, such a chasid, besides the service which he does in performing mitzvos with the proper intent, will certainly feel actual pain over the exile and the destruction of the Beis HaMikdash, because these cause a 'diminishment', so to speak, of Hashem's honor. He will long for the Redemption because then the honor of G-d will be exalted… He will always pray for the redemption of Israel and the return of Hashem's honor…."

"...One might say: 'Who am I, and what importance am I, that I should pray about the exile and Jerusalem? Will the exiles be gathered and the salvation sprout because of my prayers?' But the answer to his question is obvious, as we have learned: "The human being was created alone so that each person should say, 'For my sake the world was created'" (Sanhedrin 37a). It brings gratification to G-d that His children desire and pray for this. And even though their request may not be fulfilled, whether because the proper time has not yet come or for some other reason, nevertheless, they have done their part and HaKadosh Baruch Hu rejoices in this!"

Indeed, if only we would believe in our prayers and our ability to actively effect change and bring about the Redemption… and to 'bring' wholeness and joy to the Divine Presence in this world.
Rabbi Judah Mischel is Executive Director of Camp HASC, and Mashpiah of OU-NCSY. He is a member of Mizrachi's Speakers Bureau (

Who leads?  Who follows?  Who serves?

Shanen Werber

Parashat Pinchas is our brother, Rav Mike Bloom's, bar mitzvah parasha, and it is in his memory that I write this Dvar Torah. He knew when to lead and when to follow.

Featuring a unique combination of narrative, history, familial census, preparations to divide the land Am Yisrael is to enter, and then, a long section of Moadei HaShem special sacrifice instructions, Parashat Pinchas seems to include an extremely varied collection of topics. They appear not to be connected thematically.

 (The Moadei HaShem sections of this Torah reading are read for every Rosh Chodesh and Chag, and as part of the tefila for Shabat, so this is a most-read Parasha.)

If we look carefully, the roles of leader, helper/ attendant/ server, and follower repeat themselves in different ways throughout the parasha. Dr. Erica Brown's scholarly volume on Sefer BaMidbar, "Leadership in the Wilderness" sees the whole narrative of BaMidbar as presenting the theme of leadership; but somehow, in this week's stories, the leadership / follower status stands out.

Pinchas ran out and acted when others were frozen by the inappropriate actions around them. Among the sinners were leaders of clans. Leaders who got lost in a crowd of followers, of sinners; leaders whose leadership went astray. Pinchas is rewarded with an everlasting covenant of peace and service to HaShem. The failed leaders die, disgraced.

Bnot Tzlofchad, five women, were leaders who stood up for their family rights; politely asking. Unlike Korach or Dotan and Aviram- asking not questioning, and there is a big difference! These women led a revolution for rights, not a rebellion to demand rights. Bnot Tzelafchad were rewarded, and halacha was determined, by their leadership role.

Moshe, shown the Land which he will not enter, immediately petitioned HaShem for a successor, someone who will guide the people and lead them. Moshe's ultimate leadership is passed on to his student / follower who served him throughout the years, and whose positive scouting report merited him to guide Am Yisrael into the Promised Land. Yehoshua followed a leader and learned to be a leader. Aharon's role was filled by a son; Moshe's role by a follower who absorbed his leadership traits.

We all are to serve HaShem, some as leaders, some as followers. Some standing up in an emergency, some on an issue, some serving all along. Sometimes the role of follower is by serving, sometime the role of leader is by serving.

May we know when to stand up/ when to lead/ when to ask/ and when to follow.

May those who lead us know how to guide us; and may we know when and how to follow respectfully, as we head to a Geula Shleima, a full redemption.

לזכר רב מיכאל יעקב בן אברהם וחוה דבורה בלום ז"ל
  Chicago Mizrachi Pina Chama in Itamar
dedicated in honor of our
Chayalim Bodedim

Maintenance costs for the month of

Tammuz 5784

have been sponsored

in support of everyone working
for the security and vitality of Israel 


Rachelle Gold

To watch and view the picture gallery of the Mizrachi Chicago Pina Chama in Itamar Dedication and Hachnasat Sefer Torah in the Shomron (July 30, 2023)


IDF reinvasion of Khan Yunis kills dozens of Hamas terrorists as Hezbollah escalations rise

IDF's reinvasion of Khan Yunis has killed dozens of Hamas terrorists. Air strikes and ground operations target terror infrastructure and Hamas's reorganization efforts.

Yonah Jeremy Bob

IDF Division 98 under the command of Brig. Gen. Dan Goldfus has killed dozens of Hamas terrorists as of Tuesday as part of its reinvasion of Khan Yunis in southern Gaza which started on Monday.

According to the military, it launched the reinvasion, 14 weeks after withdrawing from the area, after IDF and Shin Bet intelligence followed a consistent rise in Hamas trying to reorganize itself in the area.

The IDF said that the operation is being carried out simultaneously above and below ground to eliminate Hamas's ability to maneuver without being seen by Israel's aerial surveillance.

Air strikes and tank shelling have been a large part of the reinvasion, with the Israel Air Force already having carried out 50 attacks on terror infrastructure, including weapons storage facilities, lookout positions, and tunnels.

In Maghazi in central Gaza, Hamas launched several projectiles towards Israel, but the rockets did not cross into Israeli territory, with one slamming into a school in the area of Nuseirat, the IDF said Tuesday.

Both Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad have misfired rockets, with projectiles landing within the Gaza Strip.

The IDF has previously stated that around one-fifth of the rockets fired by terror groups land in Gaza, often killing Gazan civilians.

No IDF forces in northern Gaza
In Rafah in deep southern Gaza, despite the IDF starting to draw down on its forces, Division 162 ground forces still managed to kill dozens of Hamas terrorists in coordination with the air force.

According to the IDF, to date since the invasion of Rafah started on May 6, the military has killed over 900 Hamas forces.

Currently, there are no IDF forces in northern Gaza; the IDF finished last week several reinvasions of that area, which were carried out over recent months. Last week was the second time that IDF forces withdrew from northern Gaza following a staged first withdrawal sometime after mid-January.

In the North, the IDF said that Hezbollah attacked the Galilee, launching multiple rounds of rockets, including around 10 at a time, as well as a series of drones.

Most of the rockets or drones fired toward Kiryat Shmona and Meron were shot down, but some got through, and others exploded, causing significant fires for the first time in at least several days.

In recent months, there has been an increase in the number of fires resulting from rockets or explosions from shot-down rockets.

There were no reports of injuries on the Israeli side.

The IDF undertook several rounds of attacks on Hezbollah since last night and throughout the day, including at least two specific operations that killed more important operatives.

At least one of those killed had recently participated in firing on Israel.

Further, according to Reuters, the IDF flew aircraft over Beirut, creating sonic booms in a show of its ability to dominate Lebanese airspace even near Hezbollah's most sensitive headquarters.

WATCH: Netanyahu to Biden: 'From one Zionist to another, thank you for 50 years of friendship'

"From a proud Israeli Zionist to a proud Irish American Zionist, I want to thank you for fifty years of public service and fifty years of support for the state of Israel.  

Tovah Lazaroff

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu personally thanked US President Joe Biden for his half-a-century of support for the Jewish state when the two men met Thursday afternoon in the Oval Office in Washington. 

"We've known each other for 40 years, and you've known every Israeli Prime Minister for 50 years since Golda Meir," Netanyahu told Biden as they sat next to each other in chairs in the Oval Office surrounded by dozens of reporters.

"From a proud Israeli Zionist to a proud Irish American Zionist, I want to thank you for fifty years of public service and fifty years of support for the state of Israel.   

"I look forward to our discussion with you today and working with you in the months ahead on critical issues," Netanyahu said.

Biden issued only one short line, recalling his first meeting with former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir, with Yitzhak Rabin, before he replaced her.

Netanyahu entered the White House driveway in a black limonene with an American and Israeli flag on top of it, on a cloudy and muggy day in Washington, interspersed with raindrops.

He was the first foreign leader and, indeed, one of the first visitors Biden has hosted since he announced his withdrawal from the presidential race on Wednesday night.

Netanyahu had known Biden for over four decades, having met him while serving as Israel's Ambassador to the United Nations.

Biden had once famously given him a photograph, writing on the back "Bibi I love you, but I don't agree with a damn thing you say."

It has often been used to describe a relationship of affection and political discord, given that it is often speculated that Netanyahu would be a Republican if he were an American politician and Biden is a staunch Democrat.

Not without differences
The policy disagreements between them have marked the last two years, with Biden refusing to invite Netanyahu to the White House for the previous two years. This was first due to his opposition to Netanyahu's judicial reform plan, then due to his frustration with Netanyahu over his choice of governmental partners and his opposition to some of the steps Israel has been taking regarding the Gaza war.

Only after Netanyahu was invited to address a joint session of Congress — an event that happened Wednesday — was he given a White House audience.

But the nature of the meeting changed in light of presidential politics. It became first and foremost a moment for Netanyahu to thank Biden and reflect on the legacy of a President who has always described himself as a Christian Zionist.

Biden flew to Israel in October at the start of the war and has given Israel a strong supportive umbrella by which to conduct the Gaza war, both through diplomatic support on the international stage and with military support.

He also created a security umbrella of five armies — the US, Israel, Jordan, France, and Great Britain — which could operate to combat attacks against the Jewish state from Iran.

Biden has also personally helped lead a negotiation process to secure the release of the remaining 115 hostages in Gaza.

Thursday's meeting with Netanyahu takes place as the US and Israeli public have begun bidding Biden farewell as he steps off the international stage this coming half-year.

It will also likely be the last Biden will hold with Netanyahu while he is in office. 

It was initially set for Monday, then canceled due to Biden's bout with COVID, and then set for Thursday, one day after his Congressional speech.

Netanyahu is also expected to meet later in the day with Vice President Kamal Harris, who is campaigning for the presidency on behalf of the Democratic Party. This will be an opportunity for the two to strengthen their ties, an important step should Harris take office. 

Netanyahu will also visit Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump in Florida on Friday before returning to Washington, where he will spend the Sabbath. He will then fly back to Israel on Saturday night.

Trump called for a quick end to its war with Hamas and a return of the hostages, adding that Israel has to better manage its "public relations," in an interview with Fox News on Thursday. 

He also criticized those who protested the Israeli prime minister's speech to the U.S. Congress, calling for a one-year jail sentence for desecrating the U.S. flag.

WATCH: Moving: Kaddish during the Prime Minister's flight

During the Prime Minister's flight to Washington, Noa Argamani's father sought to hold a Mincha prayer to say Kaddish in memory of his deceased wife. Bereaved fathers Yehoshua Shani and Itzik Bonzel also joined in saying the Kaddish.

Yoni Kempinski

Biden admin held secret meeting with Israel, UAE on future of Gaza

US, United Arab Emirates, and Israel secretly meet to discuss the 'day after' in the Gaza Strip, with proposals for temporarily international mission to police Gaza.

David Rosenberg

Israeli, American, and United Arab Emirates officials met secretly recently to discuss plans for the administration of the Gaza Strip after the current war, Axios reported Tuesday.

Citing two Israeli officials who spoke on condition of anonymity, the report said that the three sides held a sub rosa gathering in Abu Dhabi last Thursday in order to mull possible arrangements for "the day after" in the Gaza Strip.

The trilateral meeting was reportedly hosted by UAE Foreign Minister Abdullah Bin-Zayed, and included Biden's National Security Council Coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa, Brett McGurk, State Department counselor Tom Sullivan, and Israeli Minister for Strategic Affairs and Netanyahu loyalist Ron Dermer, with two senior Israeli defense officials also said to accompany Dermer.

On Wednesday, a day before the meeting, Bin-Zayed's special envoy, Lana Nusseibeh, went public with some of their proposals for governing a post-war Gaza with an op-ed piece published by The Financial Times.

In the article, Nusseibeh proposed establishing an international force which would temporarily police the Gaza Strip after the end of the war between Israel and Hamas.

The international force would be tasked with maintaining law and order in the Strip, addressing humanitarian needs, and preparing a new governing body to assume control of the coastal enclave.

Nusseibeh added that the force could enter Gaza on the invitation of the Palestinian Authority – a condition which could enable the UAE to take part in the mission – but only after the Palestinian Authority elects a new premier and undergoes extensive internal reforms.

The UAE also conditioned its involvement in such an arrangement on Israel's formal endorsement of the two-state solution and establishment of a Palestinian state.

The conditions appear to be a response to calls by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for the UAE to finance and oversee the reconstruction and deradicalization of the Gaza Strip after the current war.

Israel urges citizens attending Olympics to be cautious, warning of terror threats

National Security Council notes French authorities have arrested ISIS sympathizers planning attacks, warns citizens to avoid anti-Israel protests

Lazar Berman

The National Security Council on Sunday told Israelis traveling to Paris for the Olympics to exercise increased caution, warning that it believes that global jihadist and Iran-backed terror organizations "are seeking to carry out attacks on Israeli/Jewish targets around the Olympics."

The games officially begin on Friday — though the soccer competition kicks off tomorrow — and will wrap up on September 8 with the end of the Paralympic Games.

"International events such as this represent a preferred target for threats and attacks from various terror groups, because of the potential for the wide media impact," the NSC said as it issued guidelines for travelers.

It pointed out that French authorities have arrested teen Islamic State sympathizers who planned on carrying out attacks during the Olympics.

The NSC warned travelers to avoid anti-Israel demonstrations as well.

It also stressed that Israel is not raising the warning level for France, which is classified as Level 2: Potential Threat. It recommends taking "increased precautionary measures" for such countries.

The NSC also urged Israelis at the Olympics to download the IDF Home Front Command app.

Israel's athletes have faced a series of threats ahead of the Games, and there have already been attacks and foiled attacks on the proceedings in Paris. Israeli Olympic officials have said that the security budget for the Paris Games has been doubled compared to Tokyo.

Aside from security concerns, many of the athletes are also bracing themselves for an angry reception, including protests outside games, boos inside stadiums, opponents refusing to shake their hands, or other staged provocations, amid the ongoing war against Hamas in Gaza.

French President Emmanuel Macron stressed Tuesday that Israeli athletes were "welcome" for the Paris Olympics, rejecting calls from some left-wing French MPs and the Palestinian Olympic Committee for a boycott.

"Israeli athletes are welcome in our country. They must be able to compete under their colors because the Olympic movement has decided it," he told France 2 television in an interview, adding that it was "France's responsibility to provide them with security."

"I condemn in the strongest possible way all those who create risks for these athletes and implicitly threaten them," he said.

Discussing the opening ceremony for the Olympics on Friday as helicopters could be heard in the background hovering over the capital, Macron said "we will all see on Friday night why it was worth the hassle."

Much of central Paris is off-limits ahead of the open-air ceremony along the river Seine, with 45,000 members of the security forces set to be on duty as well as 10,000 soldiers in order to prevent any incident that would ruin the show.

"There is a security challenge and it's true for all capitals which organize the Games," Macron said. "It's true for the opening ceremony. It will be true for the whole of the Games."

"We need to come together as France that is welcoming the world," added the centrist, who called snap elections in June that have led to political deadlock in parliament.

Meanwhile, Iran condemned the welcoming of Israeli athletes at the Olympic games in Paris, demanding their exclusion due to the ongoing war.

"Announcing the reception and protection of the apartheid terrorist Zionist regime's delegation means giving legitimacy to the child killers," Iran's Foreign Ministry said in a post on X.

"They do not deserve to be present at the Paris Olympics because of the war against the innocent people of Gaza," it added, calling on organizers to ban Israel.

Late-night beach-goer's video reveals Houthi drone strike on Tel Aviv

A video circulating online on Friday morning showed the drone strike on Tel Aviv, which Yemen's Houthis took credit for.

Hannah Sarisohn

A video circulating online on Friday morning showed the drone strike on Tel Aviv, which Yemen's Houthis took credit for.

In the video, posted by Army Radio, the loud engine of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) can be heard coming up towards the Tel Aviv coast, where the person filming was sitting along the shore.

The drone can be seen flying straight towards Ben Yehuda Street, very close to the US consulate. An unclear object is dropped from the UAV a second later, and a massive blast can be seen.

"Blyat," the voice of the cameraperson can be heard saying.

What happened on Thursday night?
The drone attack was carried out on Ben Yehuda Street on the corner of Shalom Aleichem near the US Consulate after loud explosions were heard in Tel Aviv early Friday morning. Yemen's Houthis subsequently claimed responsibility for the attack.

During searches by emergency services, the body of a lifeless man in his 50s with shrapnel marks on his body was found in an apartment near the location of the explosion. Ten people were taken to hospital with minor wounds.

An IDF spokesperson announced that a preliminary investigation shows that the explosion in Tel Aviv "was caused by the fall of an aerial target, which did not trigger a warning."

Extraction of bodies from Gaza based on precise intelligence, IDF says

Sgt. Major Ravid Aryeh Katz's remains were retrieved along with the bodies of hostages Maya Goren, Oren Goldin, Staff Sgt. Tomer Yaakov Ahimas and Kiril Brodski were rescued from the Khan Yunis area by the IDF and ISA

Matan Tzuri

The IDF said on Thursday that the body of Sergeant Major (Res.) Ravid Aryeh Katz was also retrieved from Gaza along with the bodies of Omer Goldin, Maya Goren, Tomer Ahimas and Kiril Brodski.

The extraction of the bodies of Hamas massacre victims from Gaza was carried out by the military and the Shin Bet, based on precise intelligence and did not include confrontation with terrorists. The bodies were found hidden in a tunnel in the Khan Younis area.

"Alongside the operational effort, the IDF's directorate for the missing and captives worked with the Institute for Forensic Science and the Israel Police to identify the bodies and inform the families," Shin Bet said in a statement.

The bodies were transported back to Israel in an Namer APC and a clip of the extraction was posted online by a soldier in the reserves, the IDF said. He is under investigation and is expected to be severely punished along with anyone else involved.

Maya Goren cared for the kibbutz's children
Nir Oz's announcement states that Maya Goren "will return to the land of the kibbutz she loved and will be buried next to her husband Avner Goren, who was also murdered and abandoned on the Black Shabbat." Goren, 56, a mother of four, worked as a kindergarten teacher and nanny and took care of the kibbutz children for many years. She was murdered and kidnapped from the children's home on the kibbutz on October 7. "The recovery of her body by the security forces is an important closure for the Goren family and the community of Kibbutz Nir Oz," said the kibbutz.

"Bringing her back for burial is a meaningful stage in the rehabilitation of the kibbutz and the country, which will never be complete until all of the hostages are home, the dead to be buried and those alive to be healed," the statement said.

"Dad told us on WhatsApp that the terrorists entered their home and he fought them as they tried to force their way into the shelter," Goren's daughter Dekel told Ynet in an interview.

"My last conversation with my mom was when she said they had entered the nursery and that she was hiding under a bead. Ten minutes later her phone was disconnected," son Bar said.

A week after the massacre they were told officially that their parents were taken hostage and were in Gaza. Days later word came that their father's body was identified and, later still, they were informed that their mother was also murdered. 

Oren Goldin left behind two-year-old twins
Goldin, 33, a member of Kibbutz Nir Yitzhak who was identified as a hostage, was murdered in the massacre on October 7, and his body was held by Hamas, his family was updated on November 10, 2023. Goldin, married to Oshrat and father to Aviv and Ilai, two-year-old twins, ran the garage in the kibbutz. He grew up in Nir Yitzhak and chose to raise his family there alongside his parents and brothers.

Goldin was a member of the settlement's emergency security squad, which fought bravely against dozens of terrorists and protected the residents with their own bodies.

Nir Yitzhak's statement read: "Tonight we were informed of the rescue operation of Oren Goldin, a member of the kibbutz's emergency security squad, who fell on October 7. Oren was the first to go out that terrible morning, even before we knew how serious was the danger lurking outside. In November, after about a month and a half, we were hoping for a sign of life, we were told that Oren was killed on 10/7 and that his body was being held captive. For almost 10 months we wished for the day when his body would be buried in the home he loved so much, Kibbutz Nir Yitzhak. He left behind a large and loving family - we are with you in your heavy sorrow."

Tomer fought bravely on October 7and fell in battles in Nirim
Staff Sgt. Tomer Yaakov Ahimas fell on October 7. Some 53 days after the surprise attack by Hamas, the IDF announced that the terrorist organization was holding his body hostage in Gaza. Ahimas, 20, from Lehavim, was a brigade commander's liaison officer. "You never needed me to protect you, you knew how to manage on your own," his older brother Eyal eulogized him at the time. "Sorry Tomer, for the one moment in your life when you needed it I wasn't there to protect you."

His sister Maya spoke at his funeral about the longing and the attempt to return him home. "We have been going through hell for 54 days. We became a family of a kidnapped person, and yesterday of a fallen soldier. I tried to hold hope with all the people, hold up signs with your face and beautiful eyes, to sit on sidewalks in the Hostages Square, shout with all my might. So many people prayed for you, for us, that the script would end differently."

CrowdStrike's troubles open new doors for Israeli cyber companies

The American company may not have been a household name in Israel or globally until this weekend's outage, but it is highly regarded in the cyber industry and is a major competitor to many Israeli cyber companies. 

Sophie Shulman

While the CrowdStrike offices were working feverishly over the weekend to fix the unprecedented global computer shutdown and drafting letters to customers, employees, and investors, a different scene unfolded at Israeli cyber companies. Publicly, many Israeli firms, both large and small, posted diplomatic messages on LinkedIn to support their customers and offer specific solutions for restoring their computers. Privately, however, many celebrated as the crisis presented a significant opportunity for them.

CrowdStrike may not be a household name in Israel or globally, but it is highly regarded in the cyber industry and is a major competitor to many Israeli cyber companies. CrowdStrike ended its fiscal year 2024 with $3 billion in revenue and $1 billion in cash flow. It had aimed to reach $4 billion in revenue this year, a goal now unlikely to be met. Until the rise of Israeli startup Wiz, CrowdStrike set many records as the fastest growing company in the cyber industry.

For the Israeli cyber sector, CrowdStrike's troubles are an opportunity. CrowdStrike is a major competitor to Palo Alto Networks, and both companies aim to provide comprehensive cyber defense platforms. The specific issue that caused the global Windows computer shutdown is related to their endpoint protection product, an area where they compete with Palo Alto's Cortex products developed in Israel and the SentinelOne platform. CrowdStrike, which started in endpoint protection, now offers a range of products under the "Falcon" brand, including cloud security solutions that compete with Wiz, Orca, Palo Alto's Prisma, and Check Point's CloudGuard. Public companies like Palo Alto and SentinelOne saw their shares rise in contrast to CrowdStrike's falling stock, while private companies such as Orca, Dazz, and Zafran released statements asserting their readiness to provide solutions.

CrowdStrike's collapse comes at a crucial time for the cyber market, which has been experiencing consolidation for about a year. Palo Alto, which has surpassed CrowdStrike in both value and revenue, has been promoting a vision of platformization. This approach appeals to cyber system managers exhausted from managing dozens of different programs, preferring a single, comprehensive solution that is good enough across various areas. CrowdStrike, following this trend, made significant acquisitions, including Israeli startups Bionic and Flow in the past year, for a combined $500 million. However, the current crisis highlights the risks of relying heavily on a single supplier prone to mistakes.

Friday's drop in CrowdStrike shares reflects investor frustration and the expectation that potential customers will now turn to competitors, strengthening the position of Israeli companies. This situation may renew interest in smaller startups and local procurement in Israel, given how many institutions were affected by the CrowdStrike debacle.

Beyond business competition, CrowdStrike is a key player in the exit strategy for many Israeli cyber startups. With cash reserves of about $4 billion and a desire to expand its solution portfolio, CrowdStrike has become a target for Israeli venture capital funds looking to sell their investments. To signal to investors and customers that it is committed to improving its platform and maintaining business as usual, CrowdStrike may make additional acquisitions soon, with Israeli companies being prime candidates.

Additionally, the weekend's events have implications for the deal between Wiz and Google. Although Wiz does not directly compete with CrowdStrike, the failure highlighted the significant centralization and global dependence on Microsoft. Google's shareholders, initially skeptical about the $23 billion price tag for the Israeli company, now see the potential for Google to challenge Microsoft, provided it has the optimal cyber solution.

Google's $23b deal to buy Israeli cybersecurity startup Wiz reported to fall apart

Cloud security startup, which propelled its founders onto small list of Israeli billionaires, will seek IPO instead; deal may have collapsed over antitrust concerns, insiders say

Talks for Google parent company Alphabet to acquire Israeli-founded cybersecurity startup Wiz for some $23 billion have fallen apart, multiple outlets reported on Monday, citing an internal memo sent by Wiz CEO Assaf Rappaport.

"Wizards, I know the last week has been intense, with the buzz about a potential acquisition," Rappaport wrote in the memo, obtained by both The Wall Street Journal and CNBC.

"While we are flattered by offers we have received, we have chosen to continue on our path to building Wiz," he wrote.

Following the apparent collapse of acquisition talks, Wiz will return to its goal of an initial public offering, which the company expressed interest in as recently as May.

Rappaport also wrote that the company will focus on its aim of achieving $1 billion in annual recurring revenue, CNBC reported.

Wiz was founded in 2020 by alumni of Israel's elite signals intelligence Unit 8200. The same team — Rappaport, Yinon Costica, Ami Luttwak and Roy Reznik, founded the firm Adallom, which was sold to Microsoft for $320 million in 2015.

All four became billionaires as a result of their success, among 36 Israelis listed as such by Forbes in 2024.

The company says its platform can secure everything developers build and run in the cloud. It was established just as the COVID-19 pandemic sent entire industries online, sparking a surge in cloud-based servers.

In 2024, Wiz was valued at $12 billion, but Alphabet was in talks to purchase the startup for almost double that, in what would have been the most expensive acquisition in the search giant's history.

The Israeli-founded startup left talks in part due to antitrust concerns, CNBC reported, citing "a person familiar with the company's thinking."

Google is already facing two antitrust suits from the US Justice Department, one over its search engine and the other over its advertising wing. The tech giant is also facing antitrust scrutiny in Europe, including a probe by Italy's antitrust agency that was reported this week.

Though a challenge to any Wiz acquisition was unlikely to arrive before the end of this US presidential administration, Republican sentiment against big tech firms suggested that such a deal might face similar scrutiny if ex-president Donald Trump returns to office in January 2025.

Watch: News anchor breaks her fast on live television

News anchor, Maggie Tabibi, speaks about the meaning of the Three Weeks in Judaism and breaks her fast on live television: 'Now is the time to break down the social walls.'

Channel 14 News anchor Maggie Tabibi spoke on Tuesday night about the meaning of the Three Weeks in Judaism, "This is the period from the 17th of Tammuz to the 9th of Av, three weeks that symbolize the time from the breaking of the walls of Jerusalem and the siege on the city, to the destruction of the Second Temple."

Tabibi spoke about the importance of unity in our times, "I am taking this opportunity, in light of the social rift and national destruction that we have experienced since October 7th, to remind everyone that our strength is in our unity, and now is the time to break down the social walls – today, more than ever."

She then concluded by breaking her fast and saying the Shehakol blessing over her drink.

Israeli anthem, players jeered as soccer team kicks off Olympic Games amid high security

Israel's national anthem is loudly jeered before its soccer team kicked off play at the Paris Olympics against Mali tonight.

The game began with a massive security presence outside the stadium amid an increasingly strained international climate that has Paris' safety efforts squarely in the spotlight.

The Israel team arrived under a heavy police escort, with motorbike riders at the front and around a dozen riot police vans following behind. Armed police officers patrolled the Parc des Princes stadium, one with a rifle resting on his shoulder.

The atmosphere outside the venue is calm. Fans from both countries mingled, holding up flags and posing for photos.

Mali fans sang proudly when their anthem was played first. When it came to Israel's anthem, boos and whistles immediately rang out. The stadium speaker system playing the anthems then got notably louder in what seemed like an effort to drown out the jeers.

Once play began, Israeli players were booed each time they touched the ball.

Thank to those who joined us last year in our mission to provide Arba minim to IDF soldiers.

As you can imagine, this has been a challenging year.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the hostages and their families.
Personally, I was called in to reserve duty on October 7th and have served over 200 days since the start of the war and have lost a number of dear friends and relatives.
Our Arba minim project was very successful last year.
For obvious reasons, the IDF has asked us to provide many more sets this year (time 3 the amount of last year). 
We'd be thrilled if you could join us once more!
Please use the link below.

Thank you very much,
Sruli Wiener

Lazar Berman,
Diplomatic Correspondent for the Times of Israel

A Journalist's Perspective on a Nation at War

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Shabbat Shalom   שבת שלום

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