One of my favorite anecdotes from the Gemara (see Yevamot 96b) tells about Rebbe Elazar delivering a halachic discourse in one of the halls of study. His teacher and spiritual guide Rebbe Yochanan became extremely angry when he heard that Rebbe Elazar was repeating intricate elaborations on fine points of religious law without citing that he learned them all from Rebbe Yochanan. Two other of Rebbe Yochanan’s greatest pupils, Rebbe Ami and Rebbe Asi, tried to mollify their teacher; instead, they further incensed him.
Finally, Rebbe Yaacov Bar Idi, another of Rebbe Yochanan’s leading pupils, approached Rebbe Yochanan and quoted a passage from Chapter 11 in the Book of Joshua that says, “As Hashem has commanded His servant Moses, thus Moses has commanded Joshua; Joshua has thus done, and has not neglected a single thing that Hashem commanded Moses.” Rebbe Yaacov Bar Idi then asked Rebbe Yochanan, “Does Joshua say everything in the name of Moses? No! Joshua speaks and everyone knows that he speaks the teaching of Moses. Likewise, your pupil Rebbe Elazar speaks, and everyone knows that he speaks your teachings!” Rebbe Yochanan nodded, for Rebbe Elazar’s words truly mollified him.
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