Sunday, August 5, 2012

RAV KOOK ON Va'etchanan: In Mind and Heart

(PLEASE LEARN THIS FOR THE REFUA SHELAMA OF Rav Shteinman - Aaron Yehuda Leib ben Gitel Feiga, Rav Weiss - Yitzchak Tuvia ben Rikal, Rav Yosef - Yaakov Chai ben Margalit Harav Shlomo Leib Ben Miriam - HaRav Shlomo Brevda Harav Yeshaya Yaakov Ben Raizel - HaRav Yeshaya Yaakov Portugal Harav Meshulem Fish Ben Tziril - The Toshe Rebbe Rav Yerachmiel Shlomo Hakohen ben Raizel. -Rav Yerachmiel Shlomo Rothenberg, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva of Mountaindale Rav Shaul ben Pasha-Gavaad Zurich, Switzerland and rav of Beis Medrash Agudas Achim for a refuah shleima b’soch kol cholei am Yisrael.)(AND L"N RAV YOSEF SHALOM BEN RAV AVRAHAM(RAV ELYASHIV ZT"L) The Aleinu prayer, recited at the conclusion of every prayer service, contains the following verse: "Know it today and ponder it in your heart: God is the Supreme Being in heaven above and on the earth below — there is no other." (Deut. 4:39) What is the difference between 'knowing it' and 'pondering it in our heart'?

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