Thursday, March 5, 2020

Fwd: Bring Home the Daf

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From: The OU Daf Yomi Initiative <>
Date: Thu, Mar 5, 2020, 7:00 PM
Subject: Bring Home the Daf
To: <>


Dear All Daf User,

We invite you to watch this two-minute video by Rabbi Mordechai Raizman, Executive Director of Associated Talmud Torahs (ATT) Chicago, discussing a lesson we learn in Maseches Berachos to share at the Shabbos table.

Series Feature: Daf Hachaim Mesechta Overview. In his Daf Hachaim Mesechta Overview series, Rabbi Schwartzberg gives an articulate review of each Mesechta to help us retain as many takeaways in our learning as possible. 

The following Daf in Practice shiur is being presented by Rabbi Yeshai Bane:

Berachos 58: The Halachik Significance of A Jewish President

The following Daf in-Depth shiur is being presented by Rabbi Moshe Schwed:

Berachos 59: Berocha on a rainbow

Take care and have a wonderful Shabbos,

Moshe P. Schwed
Director, OU Daf Yomi Initiative

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