Monday, April 6, 2020

FW: Or Menorah - Bentching Tal on Pesach this year as Paskined by Rabbi Yona Reiss & Coronavirus Q&A with Rav Hershel Schachter

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From: 'Or Menorah' via Or Menorah <>
Date: 4/6/20 4:01 PM (GMT-06:00)
To: OrMenorah Google Groups <>
Subject: Or Menorah - Bentching Tal on Pesach this year as Paskined by Rabbi Yona Reiss & Coronavirus Q&A with Rav Hershel Schachter

Kehilat Or Menorah 

Halacha corner:

Bentching Tal this year: 

If we're still in quarantine on Pesach and on the first day of yomtov we have to switch from mashiv haruach to not saying it, generally the gabbai makes some kind of announcement, and the Chazan "Bentches Tal״ in Musaf. But in quarantine we will be biye'chidus – do we just stop saying mashiv haruach and when at Musaf or Mincha? 

Rabbi Yona Reiss, shlita, of the cRc answered, that in the silent musaf on the first day of Pesach EVERYONE SAYS:
This is in place of the Chazan "Bentching Tal" in Musaf. 
After that if you always say MORID HATAL you continue to do so. (Such as is done in Israel or in the Nusach Sfard siddur)

If you daven Ashkenaz and normally don't say MORID HATAL, then after saying it in Musaf you begin just omitting MASHIV HARUACH in Mincha and there on, as you would in any other year.  

Below are the Halachic opinions of Rabbi Hershel Schachter for the  pandemic we are experiencing: 

Click either link below: 



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